Review: Lipton Green Tea – Citrus Flavor

If you are a regular reader, then you probably have noticed that I have reviewed several other Lipton teas (as you can see here, where I reviewed Lipton Diet Green Tea Mixed Berry flavor and here, where I reviewed Lipton Diet White Tea Raspberry flavor), which also means you know that I am a big tea drinker.

Lipton Green Tea Citrus flavor is by and far my favorite Lipton Green Tea, and I have drank it faithfully for several years. I always hated the Diet Lipton Green Tea Citrus flavor and flat-out refused to drink it, which is why I thought I would hate the other diet Lipton teas. But they seem to have changed something about their diet teas because they tasted better to me. Not great, but better.

Lipton Green Tea Citrus flavor, however, is not one of Lipton’s diet line, though it does come in a diet variety. I obviously do not prefer the diet option and always choose the regular if I am doing the shopping.

Anyway, diet tea aside, Lipton Green Tea Citrus flavor is an excellent choice for the casual tea drinker because, in my opinion, bottled teas don’t taste like real tea. If you brew your own tea, you know what I’m talking about when I say that they don’t taste like real tea.

That doesn’t make them taste bad, though, and Lipton Green Tea Citrus flavor is a really tasty tea-flavored beverage.

While green tea isn’t my favorite choice of tea leaf to brew myself, bottled green tea always tastes good to me. White tea has to be brewed really carefully to be just right, you know.

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The only thing about Lipton Green Tea Citrus flavor that I dislike is that it, like most other drinks with any sugar in them, makes your mouth feel all – well, sugary. You know that feeling I’m talking about when you feel like you need to go brush your teeth or drink a glass of water?

It also doesn’t really go well with meals, in my opinion, except lunch maybe. But as a carry-along, Lipton Green Tea Citrus flavor goes perfectly into my purse and is excellent to sip on all day when I’m out-and-about.

As far as bottled tea goes, Lipton Green Tea Citrus flavor is the one I would recommend.

Personal Experience