Retirement Gifts for a Forced Retirement

Many companies have been forced to layoff employees or force older employees into retirement in order to save money. When employees are forced into retirement, the employee may not be happy about it. If an employee is forced to retire he or she might even resent the company and the other employees that are able to continue working there.

Although the employee was forced into a retirement he or she did not want, the employee should be celebrated for all their efforts to the company. They will never get another chance for a retirement party. What do you get for a retirement present when the employee does not want to be retired?

Retirement Gifts for a Forced Retirement

Pen Set – If the retiree was a business professional he or she may enjoy a pen set. The retiree can even feel like he or she can use it in their next job. A pen set can be plain or engraved. It can serve as a reminder of everything the person accomplished at his or her job. Giving a memento that is a reflection of a retiree’s position helps the retiree feel better about what happened and lets them know the giver cares.

Stationery Set – Many retirees will use a stationery set to keep in contact with former coworkers and friends. To give a gift of a stationery set, you are suggesting the retiree to keep in contact.

Golf Clubs – When one retires, they may spend their time playing golf. A great gift for the retiree who plays golf is a new set of golf clubs. Buying anything to do with golfing, if it is the retiree’s hobby, will make the retiree feel like his former coworkers still care.

See also  Funny Gifts for Retirees

Gardening gifts – Lots of retirees love working in their gardens for relaxation. Gardening gifts can include gardening magazines, gardening tools, and even plants. The gardener in the retiree will love gardening items.

Train Set – Does the retiree like trains? Maybe his or her hobby is collecting trains. You may want to purchase a train set for the retiring coworker. The train enthusiast retiree would like anything to do with trains from a full train set, to just a memento of a train.

Transferable Plants – A great gift for a retiree is a plant. The retiree will be able to keep the plant in its original container as a memento from his or her efforts over the years. If the retiree likes to garden he or she might want to transfer the plant to another pot or even set the plant outside.

Indoor Trees – Indoor trees are great for retirees that cannot get out much. Indoor trees bring the outdoors inside for the retiree to enjoy. If the retiree is going to get another job in an office he or she might like the indoor tree for their new work area.

Gift Cards – Gift cards are always great gifts. A retiree may enjoy gift cards from restaurants. If the retiree is not going to work anymore, then he or she may get budget conscience and will enjoy going out on someone else’s money. A retiree will also like a gift card from a store where he or she frequents.

Regardless of what gift you give to the retiree, it is important to acknowledge the forced retiree’s accomplishments and credit the retiree for his or her hard work. An employee that is forced to retire will feel less valuable than a retiree. He or she will need some cheering up.

See also  Great Retirement Gifts for the Newly Retired Person
