Resurrecting Anakin Solo

I admit, I have come to the Star Wars Expanded Universe party a bit late. Like most people, when the final credits of Return of the Jedi ended, so did my desire to follow the continuing adventures of Luke, Han and Leia.

But, like anything that gets into your system, some things are harder to shake. So, I listened to whispers, heard about certain continuing storylines, and actually enjoyed the idea of these great characters growing older and raising families. Especially when I heard about Han and Leia’s twins Jacen and Jaina and their youngest Anakin. What a great idea to name your child after his grandfather, to honor his more noble side.

The curiosity finally got me though, and I picked up the book Betrayal. It was the first of nine books in the Legacy of the Force series which told the story of Jacen Solo’s descent to the Dark Side. The books were very good, and culminated in one of the better fights between a Jedi and Sith. But, in the end Jacen was killed. Ben Skywalker, the son of Luke, was elevated to Crown Prince of the Star Wars Universe and Jaina Solo survives as the last of Han and Leia’s children. A far cry from what could have happened had Anakin not been killed off.

Anakin Solo died many years before the events depicted in Betrayal, during what is known as the Yuuzhan Vong War. He was a beloved character who was very powerful in the force. Even at an early age he was depicted as a very strong force user. An adventurer like his namesake, and fan favorite, this character was supposed to be the central figure in The New Jedi Order series. Behind the scenes, George Lucas felt that his character was too similar to Anakin Skywalker in the prequel movies which were soon to be released. To amend any confusion, the roles Anakin and Jacen Solo would play were reversed. Eventually, Anakin was killed off. Michael A. Stackpole stated that the decision to kill off Anakin was “a waste of a character.”

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I couldn’t agree more. I have gone back and read a number of stories containing Anakin Solo and feel that this was a huge injustice. I can’t help but think that Lucas made a huge mistake in underestimating the intelligence of his fan base and the ability of writers in the Expanded Universe to firmly set him apart and make him unique. It also robbed us of watching Darth Vader’s grandson live the life of a Jedi that Anakin Skywalker had always dreamed of. What a tragedy.

So, if anyone is reading this, its time for action to be taken. Anakin Solo needs to be resurrected. Interestingly enough, there is a prophecy that can be used to make this dream a reality. In Dark Empire II, there was a prophecy made about “something great” being born in him and Tahiri. Tahiri Veila, his true love. This is my proposal:

Tahiri Veila, who turned from the dark side after Jacen Solo’s death in Invincible with Ben Skywalker’s help, should be killed off. But, she should die in a harrowing battle of epic proportions by the hand of a Sith apprentice. Her death would send a ripple effect through the Force that would somehow “awaken” Anakin’s soul. Now awake, his power fuses with hers, resurrecting them both as they had been before his death.

This would open the door for a whole volume of new stories. Luke could become obsessed with discovering the reason this happened. Han and Leia would be given a second chance with their lost son. Ben Skywalker would have a comrade for adventure. Han Solo’s line and name would be salvaged, as now Anakin and Tahiri could have children. A great opportunity in the future to introduce another male heir with the Solo name. And, it would rejuvenate a fan base that was simply crushed by Anakin Solo’s death.

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This isn’t so far fetched that it couldn’t happen. Resurrection stories are everywhere in literature. Science fiction and super hero tales are fertile ground for this type of arc. Let’s also not forget that there are Resurrection stories included in our own history as well. The Bible and all its promises are based on the resurrection of a man who died on a cross.

So, if you are out there. If you work for Del Rey and have any vision or authority, pitch this to George. (Just don’t forget to give me some credit.) Please! Bring Darth Vader’s most powerful grandson back. Let Anakin Solo live again. Not just in our imaginations, but on the pages of remarkable tales of Jedi Knights. Let the Sith once again tremble at the sight of a blue lightsaber in the hands of a remarkable hero.
