Resistance Bands and Tubes

Resistance Bands And Tubes

Free weights and machines are the usual contraptions that most people use while doing strength training. You do not see many people using resistance bands and tubes. But resistance bands and tubes offer a lot of convenience at times when you cannot make it to the gym or while travelling. These equipment are also inexpensive and are potable. The tools and instructions are also not complicated as in the case of free weights and machines.

There is a difference between free weights and resistance bands. Gravity plays a major role in the effect of free weights so that during one part of the exercise. When you are lifting a weigh the effect is more during the uplift movement and less during the down swing movement. Whereas in the case of resistance bands and tubes the effort if constant because the tension is the same and depends on your effort.

Another major difference is that when you are doing free weights, you know precisely how much you are lifting. But in the case of resistance bands and tubes, how much effort you are putting into the exercise depends on your feel for it. This, of course, does not imply that you will not get a good work out. Equal and a good level of tension that you place on the bands will give you just the same amount of workout as you get in weights. In addition, bands offer more flexibility in that you can vary the direction of movement.

Resistance bands and tubes are color and number coded respectively. The following are the color coding for these bands:

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Yellow (Thin)
Red (Medium)

Green (Heavy)

Blue (Extra Heavy)
Black (Special Heavy)

Silver (Super Heavy)

Resistance tubes with the least resistance would be the code one, two being medium and three the most.

The advantages of resistance bands and tubes are:

  1. You can take them along wherever you go. Packing is easy and you can do your exercises in your hotel room and even in your car. This simple equipment also increases coordination. Your body is stabilized because of the tension that is created throughout the exercises. This also increases balance.
  2. You get variety. Weights limit the number of exercises you can do. Whereas while using bands, you can change into any position that you want.
  3. They are inexpensive. Good news for a budget conscious exercise.
  4. Great for all fitness levels. The band and tubes can be used from beginners to the more advanced users.

Some basic exercises are given below:


Begin by stepping on the band with both your feet wide apart and holding the band at shoulder level with both hands start into a full squat. Return to your starting position and repeat.

Bent Over Rows

Place the band under one foot and step backwards. Keeping your back flat bend over till you get to an angle of about 45ยบ. Keeping your elbows together, pull the band up to your waist. Perform a rowing motion by squeezing your shoulders together. Return to your starting position and repeat.

Alternate Lying Chest Press

Lying on your back, place the band under your back and grasp both ends with your hands. Raise one arm towards the ceiling. Return to starting position and repeat the same with your other arm.

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Diagonal Wood Chops

Holding either end of the band loop it under your left foot. Keeping your hands together, extend them down towards your left foot. Bring the resistance band up and away in a chopping motion keeping your feet stationary while rotating your trunk. Repeat for a few times and then change direction.


Begin with your feet apart to about the width of your hips. Step back about 2′ with your left leg and stand on the ball of your foot. Your head and back should be in a natural position – erect and straight. Bend at the right hip and knee till your thigh is parallel to the floor. Return to start position and repeat.

Bicep Curls

Standing with your feet at about the width of your shoulders with your knees slightly bent and at a staggered stance. Place the band under both feet (or back foot). Grasp the ends with your palms facing upwards with your elbows close to your sides. Flex at the elbows till the handle comes to the shoulder level. Return to start position and repeat. Keep in mind that the movement should be only at the elbows with your head and back straight.

These are only some of the exercises that can be performed using resistance bands. You can get instructions for other exercises on the Internet.