Repairing Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is expensive, and when a vinyl floor becomes damaged it can be very expensive to repair – if you hire a professional to repair your vinyl floor. In many situations you can repair your vinyl floor yourself and save a considerable amount of money. Whether your vinyl floor consists of vinyl tiles, or if your vinyl floor is one big sheet, you can repair your vinyl floor yourself. Burn marks, scrapes, cuts, holes, and loose vinyl floor tiles can all be repaired simply and easily. Don’t wait until your vinyl floor suffers further damage. Repair your vinyl floor now, and if your vinyl floor is repaired properly, the repair will be virtually invisible, and the repair will last as long as you own your vinyl floor.

Precautions to Consider Before Repairing a Damaged Vinyl Floor

Vinyl flooring manufactured before the mid seventies may contain asbestos, and asbestos fibers are extremely hazardous. Visit the EPA website for information on how to safely and properly remove old vinyl flooring that could contain asbestos.

Also, vinyl floor adhesive is extremely flammable and requires adequate ventilation, so don’t smoke or work near an open flame when using vinyl floor adhesive. Extinguish any flames, open the windows, and run exhaust fans.

Repairing Curled Vinyl Floor Tiles

Vinyl floor tiles that have curled edges are very easy to repair, so don’t wait until your curled vinyl floor tiles become permanently damaged. Simply put your iron on a warm setting, and place a piece of parchment paper over the curled floor tile to protect the surface from too much heat. Press the floor tile with the warm iron until the old adhesive softens. Apply vinyl floor adhesive to the curled edges, and with the parchment paper over the vinyl tile, iron the curled edges back into place. Slowly peel back the parchment paper, wipe away any excess adhesive, and set something heavy over the newly repaired vinyl floor tile. After the vinyl floor adhesive dries, your curled vinyl floor tile should be as good as new.

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Replacing Vinyl Floor Tiles

Sometimes vinyl floor tiles begin to crack and deteriorate. If you have extra vinyl floor tiles, you’re in luck. Begin by placing a sheet of parchment paper over the damaged vinyl floor tile, and iron it on a low setting until the adhesive softens. After the adhesive is soft, remove the damaged vinyl tile using a scrapper if necessary. Also, scrape off the rest of the adhesive that was beneath the worn vinyl tile.

If the old vinyl floor adhesive isn’t softened by a warm iron, it may be necessary to apply adhesive remover. Follow the label instructions on the adhesive remover of your choice to obtain the best results.

After clearing away all of the old adhesive, check the new vinyl tile to make sure it fits the opening. Trim the new vinyl tile if necessary by cutting it with a utility knife, or sand the edges to the proper size. Spread vinyl tile adhesive on the floor with a v-notched trowel, and warm the back of the new tile with an iron. While the new tile is still warm, place it firmly over the vinyl tile adhesive, and press it into place. Use an old rolling pin to work out any bubbles, and clean off any excess adhesive. Set something heavy over the new tile to keep it in place until the vinyl tile adhesive is completely dry.

Repairing Burns and Gouges in Vinyl Floors

Vinyl floors sometimes become burned with cigarettes or hot dishes that have been inadvertently dropped. Sometimes hot dishes shatter unexpectedly and burn vinyl flooring before the hot pieces can be retrieved. Vinyl floors can become gouged too. There is hope for a vinyl floor that has been burned or gouged. Vinyl flooring can be patched and repaired in the same manner as damaged wallpaper.

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In order to properly repair a burned or gouged vinyl floor, you’ll need extra vinyl flooring of the same pattern. Simply cover the burn or gouge with a matching section of vinyl flooring, and make the repair patch larger than the burn or gouge. While holding the vinyl flooring over the burned or gouged area, use a utility knife and cut through the vinyl flooring to create a patch. At the same time, cut out the damaged area as well. Be sure to hold the utility knife as straight as possible so the vinyl flooring isn’t cut at an angle. The fit must be perfect so the repair is invisible.

Remove the burned or gouged piece of vinyl flooring, and clean out the opening. Check the new piece of vinyl flooring to make sure the fit is as perfect as possible. The new piece of vinyl flooring should fit like a puzzle. Spread vinyl adhesive on the floor, and put the new piece of vinyl flooring in place. Roll out any bubbles with an old rolling pin, wipe off any excess adhesive, and set something heavy over the area until the vinyl floor adhesive dries.

Disguising Scratches on Vinyl Floors

Scratches on vinyl floors are easy to disguise. Simply use a dull flathead screwdriver to rub away the scratches. The shine can be restored with vinyl floor wax.

If You Don’t Have Matching Vinyl Flooring

If you don’t have, or can’t obtain, matching vinyl flooring to repair the damaged floor, there are kits available that allow you to remove, fill, and paint damaged areas as large as a quarter. These vinyl floor repair kits cost around $20.00, and they include everything you need to complete the repair. A vinyl floor repair kit is well worth the price if you don’t have matching vinyl flooring to repair the damage. You can obtain a vinyl floor repair kit at most major hardware and home improvement stores.