Remove Clothes Stains with a Whirl, Using Tide Stain Brush

The Tide Stain Brush is public enemy #1 to clothing stains. This phenomenal invention really gets out stains, even deep stains that have had time to set. I wouldn’t trade my Tide Stain Brush for any other laundry product. I paid about $5 for this little wonder. It was an impulse buy of sorts; I saw it in the grocery store, and the concept of using a motorized brush to get out stains seemed logical. Hey, we do it for teeth, right?

The Tide Stain Brush is a handheld, battery powered device with concentric circles of bristles on one end. To remove a laundry stain, spray a stain remover on the stain, place the bristles on the stain, and click the Tide Stain Brush on. The bristles spin and drive that stain remover into the fabric. If you lift the brush, you can see the stain lightening.

The Tide Stain Brush is easy to use. You do not need to use pressure to remove stains. In fact, the Tide Stain Brush seems to work most effectively when you hold it gently on the stain and let the motion of the motorized bristles do the work.

Three kids live in my household, so our Tide Stain Brush has tackled a variety of stains: chocolate, grass, blood, unidentified purple liquid, various paints and markers, spaghetti sauce... pretty much any substance a typical kid might spill on his or her clothes, our Tide Stain Brush has encountered. And like most families, we don’t always tackle the stains promptly. Though the kids will sometimes alert me to a stain on a favored piece of clothing, as often as not I will discover stains myself after the clothing has been retired to the laundry hamper for a week. So I have used the Tide Stain Brush both on new stains and on stains that have had ample time to set.

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There were a few occasions when I was sure the Tide Stain Brush was going to disappoint me. I brushed the stains for several minutes, and although they lightened, they were still visible. I sprayed more stain remover on them and brushed again, to no avail. Finally, I washed the clothing and hoped for the best. To my surprise, the clothing emerged from the washer without a trace of the stain visible. The Tide Stain Brush really does get the stain remover deep into the fiber of the clothing.

On a few occasions, I used the Tide Stain Brush for quite some time, to make a stain as invisible as I could before laundering. I feared that the bristle action might wear or fade the fabric. This did not happen.

When I bought my Tide Stain Brush, it was packaged with a bottle of Tide stain treatment. Since I have always been a fan of Spray ‘n Wash, I began using it with Spray ‘n Wash as soon as that bottle of Tide stain treatment was used up. Using the Tide Stain Brush with Spray ‘n Wash has proven much more effective at removing stains than using the Spray ‘n Wash alone.

Tide Stain Brush is a product I will unreservedly recommend to anyone needing to remove stains from clothing.

If you have young kids, TIde Stain Brush offers a labor-saving bonus: its attractiveness to young kids lures them into the laundry room where they beg to do the stain removal operation for you.