Remember Remember the 11th of September

And how could one forget what they were doing when America was struck by the ultimate tragedy on September 11? Our cable went out after the second plane hit.

We can imagine the moment the World Trade Center’s twin towers fell to their knees for a final time. We can envision the fight we would have committed ourselves to if we were actually at that location in New York City on 9/11. We can estimate injury and death on a large scale by media alone. And that is the point – we can. The point of realization that even the weakest would pull together the strength of ten bulls just to save a life. You can. I can. We can.

Liberty and justice became a post 9/11 plan, goal – a mission. All eyes on “terrorism” were diverted from the 9/11 rescue crisis in a fashion that the 9/11 rescue stories themselves no longer hit the daily front page. Days, weeks, months, seasons, years did pass. The sick continue getting sicker and the healthy continue to walk by them. But perhaps the recent news should at least tug your memory of September 11, 2001. Remember remember the 11th of September.

In today’s news, scientists define the “greatest acute environmental disaster” New York City has ever seen to be that of 9/11 as reported by The New York Times. Asbestos along with other dangerous factors played a role in further injury to those who battled rain, rock, and rage to reach their loved ones trapped after the buildings fell. Sometimes you can save a life by giving your life. But the dangers to the human body were not foreseen to the extent it has risen in the years. And giving a life without prediction to the “greatest acute environmental disaster” New York City has ever seen proves heroes do exist.

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We can say you are a hero after holding a child’s hand. A hand held goes hand in hand with comfort and security. We can say you are a hero for any unmeasured time. Even for only a moment. Even for a decade. We can inhale the logic of positive vibes by those who dash to save you. A hero is a hero – risks save the day. For if it weren’t for such heroes many would surely have died during and after 9/11.

As the world scrambles to relive the images drenched within their minds involving September 11, 2001, those inside of New York City look up at mind-sketched memories of their beloved twins. We can cry a thimble size tear compared to a lone hero’s bucket of pain and loss. We can honor a hero’s guts and courage to inspire them to save more lives. We can become engulfed in our imagination and captivated to daydream of being such hero. And we can.

Can we remember heroes for as long as they can remember themselves or can we remember by reminders etched in stone? People are either touched by September 11, 2001 or not. 9/11 did impact much of the United States. New York and Washington D.C. were attacked with more than 6,000 injured and approximately 3,000 deaths.

The numbers are said to continue to grow due to health issues related in some form or fashion to 9/11. But that remains to be seen. Conspiracy theorists claim the numbers were manipulated and said to be lower. But that too remains to be seen. It doesn’t matter what the numbers reflect but how you remember them. By the number of deaths or the number of heroes? Celebrate the heroes for without them you just may be, well, dead. And they save lives even if it kills them.

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Remember remember the 11th of September.

You can. I can. We can.

The New York Times, “Health and Environmental Issues”,