Remedies for Sore or Pulled Muscles: Ice Packs, Muscle Rubs and More

I think it’s safe to say that everyone has had sore muscles at one point in time or another. This purpose of this article is to be informative about ways to help with the healing process of hurt muscles and also ways to help with pain. Sore muscles can be caused by a few different things exercising a certain muscle that is not use to it, over exercising, or pulling a muscle from lifting wrong or something like that. Sore muscles can be very painful but luckily there are ways to help with the pain among other things.

1. The first and best thing to do is rest for at least twenty four house. Do not exercise it more, I have heard of people who just had sore muscles that exercised more actually thinking it would help and all they did was hurt themselves worse. I wouldn’t recommend lifting anything either, sore muscles need time to heal.

2. Second, you could use muscle rubs. Of course there is Icy Hot and among others, however a lot of the name brands are expensive so I would usually go with the generic brands. If the name brands work better for you though, then go ahead and use those.

3. Another way is using ice packs. If you do not have an ice pack, like from a lunch box or something you can make your own. Take zip lock bag put about four or five ice cubes in it, zip it up, and then wrap it in a wash cloth of paper towels. You need to wrap it so that it doesn’t cause irritation to your skin. Apply the icepack to your muscles in increments of fifteen minutes and then give a break for ten or fifteen minutes, you give yourself breaks to also prevent pain and irritation to your skin.

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4. If the ice packs are not working of you prefer something more relaxing you can use a heating pad. If you do not have a heading bad you can make your own imitation that works quite well in fact. Take a sock and fill the foot part of it (up to the ankle) with rice, after this tie it closed on top by making a knot. After you have done all of this put it in the microwave for about a minute, at that point if it is not hot enough just heat it to your liking. Once you have made your heat pack or have your heating pad ready apply this to the sore muscle. This should be very relaxing for you and your sore muscle. You could also use this a long with the ice pack during the ten to fifteen minute breaks.

5. You could also use massage to help ease the pain. You could do it dry, use muscle rub, or use rubbing alcohol and just rub it in until soaks in or the alcohol evaporates.

Remember to be very careful and try to stay off the muscle as much as you can. If the pain gets bad enough you should see a doctor or health care professional. I hope that this article has served it’s purpose and has been an useful piece of information.