Reflexology Inducing Labor

The practice of reflexology or acupuncture has been used for centuries. It has only become part of our culture for less than one hundred years. Many nurses that work in labor and delivery have discovered this unique practice and have utilized it within their field of training. There are pressure points in the feet and hands that can be manipulated to relieve pain, anxiety, stress, and even help induce labor. There are practitioners who specialize completely on the care and treatment of pregnant women, as well as the father to be, to help relieve anxiety and induce labor when the patient has come to full term of her pregnancy and is ready to deliver.

Labor induced by reflexology focuses primarily on the feet in which the practitioner finds the pressure point and massages that area to stimulate contractions and to help the progression of labor. It is also thought that reflexology during labor can and does help lessen the severity of pain during the labor process. Many women have found it to be an excellent alternative to other induction methods that are typically used in modern medicine whom wish to have a natural, drug free birth.

It is important to find a licensed practitioner whom can teach you and your labor coach the methods to use during this stage of your pregnancy. It is not recommended that you use labor inducing reflexology until you have reached your full term of pregnancy or are overdue to give birth as you could induce labor before your baby is ready to be born. The most important facet of this practice is having a well trained practitioner throughout your entire pregnancy, which is quite beneficial to your physical and mental state of mind for both you and the father to be.

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There are certain pressure points on the foot which are the target areas to massage to bring about labor; these target areas include the inside of the heel; you will know when you have found the spot because it is rather tender. Another pressure point is on the arch of the foot, in front of the heel; this is also a tender spot and you will be able to know that you have found the spot due to the tenderness of the area. You can also find a pressure point between the big toe and second toe; also quite tender and very easy to find. There are also pressure points on the hand that are even more effective, such as on the thumb area; this pressure point is said to affect the pituitary gland which is the gland that releases natural oxytocin, which is the hormone that is the primary effecter to stimulate contractions and labor.

Once labor and contractions have become regular and painful, your partner can continue to use these techniques to help reduce the pain associated with child birth. It makes him feel more useful as well as helping to keep the contractions and labor moving forward.

The more people learn about reflexology during labor the more we will see it become a natural part of the labor and delivery practices of most mid-wives and hospitals alike.
