Redo Small Wicker Pieces to Make New Decor

Small wicker trash bins, wicker trays – even wicker paper plate holders – are the beginnings of new wicker pieces that look fabulous. Just about everyone has some sort of small wicker pieces which looked great when they got them, but have now been tossed in the basement or shoved in the back of a closet. Get them out; you’ll be surprised at the new things you can make with them.

One quick project you can make uses a wicker trash basket and a wicker paper plate holder. Turn the trash can upside down, glue the paper plate holder to the bottom of the can (which is now the top) and spray paint gold, silver, white, or another color. Use the arrangement to hold sweets, flowers or other items on a buffet or banquet table. Make more decorative by using roping around the edge of the paper plate holder portion, or glue small novelties onto the upside-down basket portion of the arrangement. It’s a great look that takes only a few minutes to create.

Make a unique tray for rolls, candies or other goodies by starting with one paper plate holder, placed upside-down. Glue on four more, one on each “side” of the bottom paper plate holder. Now glue one more plate holder on top, with the bottom of the plate holder facing downward. This makes a squarish wicker holder that, after painted, looks marvelous and new.

Use a wicker paper plate holder to make seasonal wreath-type decorations for your front door. Spray paint the plate holder, then glue on silk flowers, greenery, ribbons, beads and other items. Tie a bow from pretty, wide ribbon, then attach the ribbon to the bottom of the plate. Hang on the door or even in the home. Make different ones for various seasons or occasions. Glue on yellow and orange leaves, along with small pine cones, for a fall arrangement. Spray with fake snow and glue on twigs and berries for a winter theme.

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Turn a wicker wastebasket upside down and stack another on top, with bottoms facing each other. Glue together. Glue on a third basket, if needed for height, then add a glass top or wooden piece to make a side table or night stand. If the last basket you glue on is facing upward, fill with colorful silk flowers and greenery before adding the glass top. The flowers will be seen through the glass for a very unique end table. Or, omit the flowers and glue a wicker tray to the top.

Weight a wicker trash basket by filling it half full of rocks, gravel or something heavy. Turn another basket upside-down and glue to the rim of the first. Add a third basket and allow glue to dry completely. Now set a large plastic bowl on top for a unique birdbath. Simply remove the bowl to dump old water and add new.

Old wicker baskets even make a great kitty play set. Glue two baskets together, bottoms facing each other, then add two more baskets – one on each side – to form something of an “+” shape. Glue one of the paper plate holders, or a wicker tray, to the top so that it covers the point where the bottoms all meet. Cats love to run in and out of the baskets. You can even place small pillows in each one to make a sleeping place for multiple cats.

There’s lots of new things you can create from the old wicker pieces, and with a little paint and a few trinkets, you can make the creation new and beautiful once again. If you don’t have any of the old wicker pieces, just look around at yard sales and flea markets – you’ll find plenty!

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