Recommended Diet for Chemotherapy Detox

Chemotherapy often leaves cancer patients drained and depleted. Chemotherapy not only attacks cancer cells, it attacks the entire immune system. In order to recover from chemotherapy, the immune system must be nourished and replenished. This is where the chemotherapy detox diet comes in. Following a chemotherapy detox diet before, during and after chemotherapy helps boost the immune system for a speedy recovery.

Basic Diet
The key to chemotherapy detox is eating healthy foods that heal the immune system. Antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables should make up the majority of your diet. Easily digestible proteins such as legumes (nuts and beans) should be included, as well. Round it off with whole grains. All these foods digest quickly and easily to draw toxins out of the body and nourish depleted cells. Supplementing with Omega 3 from flaxseed oil and antioxidants from liquid or whole food vitamins gives the immune system the power it needs to heal itself.

Cleansing the Liver and Kidneys
The liver and kidneys are natural filters for the body. Chemotherapy leaves them overworked and under-cleansed. Any detox diet, whether for chemotherapy or other issues should involve cleansing the liver and kidneys. Clearing the liver and kidneys of toxins enables them to function properly. Drinking plenty of fresh, clear water is essential for a chemotherapy detox diet. There are also special liver cleansing teas available at any major supermarket and in health food stores. These teas often contain burdock, dandelion and other cleansing herbs.

Helpful Herbs and Spices
There are a multitude of herbs and spices that boost the chemotherapy detox diet. Herbs and spices like cinnamon and ginger are naturally high in antioxidants. Cumin, Turmeric and Oregano are antioxidant rich cleansers. Your chemotherapy detox diet doesn’t have to be bland. Onions, garlic and hot peppers are natural immune boosters. They also aid in several healing processes. Spice up your chemotherapy detox diet with healing herbs.

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What to Avoid
Plenty of caloric content with little or no nutritional value is what we get from processed, pre-prepared and fast foods. A chemotherapy detox diet necessitates high nutrition for healing and cleansing. Avoid white flour, sugar and saturated fats that are counterproductive to healing. Tasty tidbits like fish sticks and other convenient snacks have the good nutrition processed right out of them. You might think you are getting healthy fish but what you really get is a lot of fat and salt. Stay away from meat products as well. Yes, they contain protein, but it’s super slow digestion rate hampers protein absorption and blocks toxins from leaving the body. Thanks to factory farming, most meat products also add to chemotherapy toxins.

Hospital Food
Knowing what foods are good and bad for chemotherapy detox can help you with hospital menu choices. Many people believe that if the hospital serves it to you, it must be helpful to your recovery. This is true with some hospitals. Other hospital menus are full of processed and prepackaged foods. There is little fresh food or whole grains on the menu. Be pro-active with your hospital food choices. If there is no healthy food available, have someone bring you food from home. Eating healthy food that promotes healing is the most important factor in chemotherapy detox.

Please Note: The author is not a licensed medical professional. This article is for general information purposes only. Consult your doctor concerning diet for chemotherapy.
