Recession Proof Careers: Music Therapist

If you are looking for a career in the music field where growth is expected to occur, Music Therapy is a great choice. Music therapy is considered an allied health profession.

It has emerged as a treatment option because of the many positive outcomes in recent years. Music therapy is now reimbursable by most private insurances. Medicaid and Medicare pay for Music therapy under the “Activity Therapy” heading.

Music Therapy has been targeted to be used in diverse clinical settings. Music Therapist can be seen in the Cancer Department of many hospitals. Music therapy is used as a treatment alternative to handle pain in many chronic and long term illnesses. Music therapists deal with children with disabilities, developmental delays and autism. Music therapists have helped traumatized children in psychotherapy. Music therapists have newsworthy success with patients with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Music therapy has been effective in the treatment of many psychological disorders.

How do you prepare for a Music Therapy profession before college?

Before you even consider this profession, you must have some music skills in an instrument such as piano and guitar. You must also be able to sing. Many colleges are biased towards classical-trained students but innovative schools are now accepting contemporary instrumentalist and vocalist. You must also know how to improvise.

What do you study to get a Music Therapy degree?

You must choose a college that has a curriculum approved by the American Music Therapy Association. In college, you must show proficiency in your instrument or singing. You must also be well grounded in music theory foundations. Music theory courses encompass ear training, improvisation, history, arranging, composition, solfege, harmony and music technology.

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Psychology subjects will also play a major role in your coursework. Music therapy clinical internships will play a vital part in your studies. It might take around 1,040 clinical hours before you can graduate for this degree. This internship will prepare you in taking a national board certification called MT-BC or “Music Therapy-Board Certification”.

What are the job responsibilities of a Music Therapist?

A Music Therapist is usually part of an interdisciplinary team. A Music Therapist assesses a client and implements music therapy strategies. A Music therapist will evaluate treatment, document and plan discharge of client.

Where can Music Therapists be employed?

Music Therapists are now being used in schools, health centers, psychiatric hospitals, general hospitals, children’s hospitals. Music Therapist are also employed in rehabilitation centers for retardation, celebral palsy, stroke victims, nursing facilities and hospice, retirement centers. Music Therapists are also found in community mental health centers, juvenile detention and treatment centers. Music therapy is used by clients to express their psychological traumas and feelings of fear.

How much salary does a Music Therapist get?

In Queens University of Charlotte NC, the Music Therapy Clinic charges $230 a month for a weekly session averaging 30 minutes. Using this to estimate the salary of music therapists, they average $25 to $45 an hour if employed by a center or institution. For private practice, Music Therapists can ask for $50 to 90 per hour.

Music Therapists can also hold group therapy sessions for $175 a month per client. A group may consist of 4 to 10 clients. For $1750 a month, a music therapist can teach 10 clients in a group session for a one-hour session once a week. The potential is enormous if a private-practice Music therapist raises the number of patients.

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Why Music Therapists are in demand in the current times?

Music therapy has produce tangible positive results. Cancer patients have handled their chronic pains and chemotherapy sessions by working with a Music Therapist. In school setting, many students with special needs have benefited from a music therapy intervention. In mental health area, clients who are unable to express their traumas, fears and feelings do well with Music Therapy. Music therapy has also made headlines in helping Alzheimer’s patients and stroke victims.

Music therapy is a healthy alternative to pain relievers. Pain medications are known to have many long term side effects. Music therapy is another option for many psychological trauma disorders. Stress causes health ailments. Music relieves stress. Articles about evidences and studies are documenting the success of music therapy in many therapeutic interventions. The outlook for a career in Music Therapy is very bright. It will have huge demand in the future as many private insurances are seeing it to be a cost-effective alternative to prescription drugs.


Music Therapy Program, California State University Northridge
“Music Therapy Restores Vision”, BBC News
Music Therapy Program, Berklee College of Music
Music Therapy Clinic, Queens University of Charlotte