Raccoons as Pets – What You Should Know

Raccoons are very cute animals. This is one of the main reasons that many people decide to adopt raccoons as pets. Unfortunately, many people who make the decision to adopt a pet raccoon are uninformed about caring for these wild animals, as well as other things that should be taken into consideration about having a pet raccoon. Here, we will take a much closer look at some of the many things that you should know about raccoons as pets before you make the decision to adopt one.

Raccoons Require a Great Amount of Supervision

Raccoons are known to get themselves into trouble. In fact, the vision that many of us have of raccoons is them digging through a garbage can and causing the garbage to spill into the middle of the road until someone cleans it up. What many people don’t realize is that raccoons do require a great amount of supervision. In some situations, this may mean the raccoon cannot be left home alone, but this really tends to vary according to the specific animal. You certainly wouldn’t want to leave a raccoon home alone in a room where there is a full garbage can.

It’s Illegal to Have a Pet Raccoon in Some States

One of the most important things that you should know is that, in some states, it is illegal to have a raccoon as a pet. In other states, you may need to have a permit in order to legally keep a pet raccoon. Before you make the decision to adopt a pet raccoon, you may want to consider finding out what the laws in your state in regards to exotic pets are. If you do happen to keep a pet raccoon in a state where it is illegal to do so or if you haven’t met the permit requirements, it is important to keep in mind that you may end up having to pay a fine.

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Raccoons Usually Need to Be Released into the Wild

After a raccoon has turned one year old, it is important to consider releasing it into its natural habitat. The main reason is because once raccoons are ready to mate, they tend to become increasingly aggressive. While it may depend on the raccoon itself, the best thing to do is let it go. Unfortunately, this can be quite difficult if you have kids who have grown attached to the raccoon – or if you grow attached to the raccoon yourself. It is also very important to remember that once a raccoon has lived in a house for a long period of time, it will be very difficult for it to adapt to living in the wild.

Raccoons Should Receive a Rabies Vaccination if Possible

Although they are often difficult to find, there are veterinarians who are willing to treat exotic animals. If you can find one in or around your area, you will definitely want to consider taking your raccoon for a rabies vaccination. Raccoons are known to be one of the animals that most commonly become rabid, which is why this vaccination is so important. You should especially have your pet raccoon vaccinated if you plan on allowing him or her to go outdoors.

Raccoons Do Have Specific Dietary Requirements

Much like most other animals, raccoons do have specific dietary requirements. Since raccoons are prone to obesity, you will definitely want to make sure that you follow the dietary requirements of a raccoon as much as possible. A raccoon’s diet should mainly consist of vegetables, fruits, fish and poultry. They should not eat red meat or pork, as these meats are known to have higher fat contents, which may cause obesity.

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Raccoons are Known to Make Wonderful Companions

Anyone who has ever had a pet raccoon will be likely to tell you that they make wonderful companions. Although they can become aggressive once they have matured, raccoons are known to be very friendly and playful animals in general. For this reason, it is not uncommon for them to scratch and bite. You may want to pay close attention to how guests may react when around your raccoon, in order to prevent injuries. Raccoons will not necessarily bite to harm someone, but they will bite when they feel threatened or frightened in any way. Overall, however, it is safe to say that a raccoon can make a wonderful companion to the right person. Their companionship is often compared to that of a cat – so if you are a cat lover, then there is a good chance that you may find a friend in a raccoon as well.