Quick Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis

Have you noticed the telltale fishy smell and now you’re seeking quick cures for Bacterial Vaginosis? That can be eliminated in 1 day depending on how severe your symptoms are. To completely eliminate the bacteria from your system, well that could take about 3 days for your body to be in a normal state again.

Most of us want to get rid of that telltale smell first and foremost. Forget all the online hype about certain methods to rid you of that fishy odor or the 7 day method to cure BV because they’re not giving you all the information you need.

Please realize, it’s not an infection; only a build up of bacteria in the vaginal tract and a simple probiotic supplement can start you on your way to eliminate the BV. Yes, it will eliminate the problem but it won’t prevent it from reoccurring. I have also included how to treat re-occurences at the end of this article.

First, let break down the problems associated so we can talk cures for bacterial vaginosis and your specific issue;

To Eliminate the Smell

Stop at your local Walmart, Target, GNC or closest pharmacy that sells vitamins and purchase a bottle of Probiotic supplements. Take the recommended dosage that is on the bottle. Usually, it will tell you to take a few pills with your meal. If you start taking Probiotics in the morning by evening you will notice the smell is almost gone and by late night you will feel clean and secure again.

This is not to say that it has been eliminated from your body but the smell will be gone. Also, you should not eat any sugary products or large helpings of carbohydrates for the next few days. Bacterial Vaginosis seems to thrive in environments where diets are high in sugar and carbs. Eat lots of vegetables, chicken and fish with large helpings of garlic.

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Preventions and Cures for Bacterial Vaginosis

There is no cure for bacterial vaginosis but there are a few things you can do to prevent BV; nothing is guaranteed and without significant changes your BV can return numerous times.

• The first thing you should do is add Garlic to your diet. It’s a natural antifungal agent that kills internal bacteria and helps stabilize your immune system.

• Next, cut down on eating too much sugar and try and eliminate it from your diet including beverages, simple carbs and too many desserts.

• Include more fruit to your diet that helps clear out your colon like Apples, blueberries, grapes, prunes, etc.

The key to finding cures for bacterial vaginosis is understanding what to consume and what triggers your outbreak. Watch for key signs after splurging on snacks. This will ultimately help you to understand how much of that cake you can eat and when it’s time to say No!