Quercetin: Nature’s Strongest Anti-Inflammatory, Hive and Allergy Treatment

For those who suffer from watery eyes, wheezing, sneezing, headache, runny nose, and an itchy throat, the allergy season is actually contrived of many seasons from spring through winter, and includes everything from mold and pollen to ragweed and grass, often leaving those who suffer feeling miserable much of the year.

As an allergy sufferer I can relate to the other 50 million people who complain about the side affects and symptoms that run with allergic reactions. I have personally dealt with hives, allergies, and adult onset asthma and I have tried every over-the-counter drug known to man in an effort to alleviate some of the discomfort that goes with allergies. At one point I was forced into prescription medications as a last ditch effort to control my allergies, hives, and asthma, rather then having it control every aspect of my life.

Severe allergy attacks can go beyond nature’s contributors and can include everything from preservatives in food to pets, dust, smoke, pollutants, and products containing perfumes. With the recent change in weather that has become completely unpredictable, allergy suffers are turning to antihistamines and other treatments that often leave them in a zombie state of mind or completely wiped out and wanting to do nothing more than sleep.

While researching natural remedies for treating and curing respiratory diseases, I came across a health ad for Quercetin. After touring my local health store and receiving some sound advice from a trained technician, I purchased my first bottle of Quercetin for $11.99. I had nothing to lose so I started taking 500 milligrams a day while weaning myself off of Singulair. After one month I found that not only did I not need my Singulair, I was totally free of inhalers as well.

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Fortunately this natural remedy controls allergies and asthma, allowing a person to go through their day without suffering or having the overwhelming need to sleep throughout the day. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid with antioxidant properties that stabilizes a hyper immune system along with the respiratory tract that has been invaded by toxins, viruses, and bacteria leading to allergy attacks.

The flavonoids found in Quercetin work as both an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory, which is useful in treating, and often preventing a variety of breathing issues. The benefits of Quercetin are not limited to allergies and asthma as it is also known for treating many other health concerns as well. Hives often accompany allergic reactions, and Quercetin has been proven by many patients to effectively reduce allergy attacks, hives, and other respiratory ailments that run with immflamatory immune and lung diseases.

Red onions, fennel, cherries, blueberries, green tea, red wine, apples, and many other fruits and vegetables are packed full of Quercetin, but getting the recommended dosage from simply eating these foods is easier said than done. Taking 250 milligrams of Quercetin twice a day for up to six months is usually sufficient in controlling the majority of allergies throughout the season. Quercetin does not produce results overnight, but most people claim that after just two weeks of taking the bioflavonoid that they feel better, and have limited allergy and asthma triggers affecting their system.

Bioflavonoid: Also known as flavonoids are what gives vegetables and fruit their distinct color and taste. Over 600 flavonoids exist, and have been identified with the majority of them being antioxidants which is beneficial to good health.

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Conjunctivitis: Studies show that Quercetin is more effective at controlling this particular eye infection then that of anti- allergy eye drops. It is recommended that a person tale 1,000 milligrams per day.

Varicose Veins: Quercetin is a remarkable treatment for eliminating and preventing this medical condition. Pain and swelling heal completely after several weeks of taking 500 milligrams three times daily of the bioflavonoid.

Anaphylactic Shock from Hives: Patients that suffer from hives report that after taking 500 milligrams of Quercetin daily that have had fewer incidents with hives, and most report no life threatening incidents at all after taking the bioflavonoid on a regular basis. Of course Quercetin should not replace quick acting inhalers.

Asthma: Many quercetin supplements include bromelain which is an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy agent needed for controlling the disease.

Allergies: Taking Quercetin daily stabilizes the white blood cells that are responsible for the release of histamine that anyone with allergies is well familiar with.

Quercetin: Nature’s strongest anti-inflammatory, hive and allergy treatment.
