Qualities that Make a Future Leader

Some employees have qualities that make a future leader. We may call them rising stars or consider them potential leaders. Some of these qualities are tangible and intangible in nature. Let’s look at some of these qualities that make a future leader and try to decipher why some employees climb the corporate ladder faster than others.

Dresses and Grooms Immaculately

According to a survey by Careerbuilder.com, forty-one percent of employers said that people who dress better or more professionally tend to be promoted more often than others in their organization. The percentage is even higher than that for those in sales and the financial sector according to Rosemary Haefner, Vice President of Human Resources of Careerbuilder.com. Haefner further acknowledges, “how you dress plays a critical role in how others perceive you at work.”

Exhibits Strong Communication Skills

A strong communicator is a quality that makes a future leader. Those who exhibit strong communication skills early on and are able to discuss points of view fluently and persuasively seem to land on the radar of upper management. I’ll never forget an interesting insight uttered by my high school SAT preparation teacher, Mr. Goldstein. It was particularly memorable because it had nothing to do with preparing for the SAT. He said, “people will judge you in this world in two ways: The way you dress and the way you talk.” It wasn’t an earth-shattering statement, but the point was well-made.

Broadens Skills

Another quality that makes a future leader is someone who moves out from the cubicle and networks within the organization. There are a number of ways skills can be broadened at work.

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Networking in the organization could mean cross-training into other departments. Learn how that person’s job figures into the big picture. Some companies offer a shadow program where you can sit with someone for a day and observe how she does her job. Consult your human resources representative if you need a starting point.

It could also mean getting involved within the organization. Examples include joining committees or leading a project or a charitable endeavor.

An intangible quality that makes a future leader is someone who seizes opportunities. It’s kind of like being at the right place at the right time and selling yourself. Opportunities can arise during small talk with your boss, in performance reviews, and at company events. If you are chatting with a vendor at a corporate function, this may be an opportunity to mention something positive about the company. You’d be surprised on how some of these seemingly small details may get back to senior management.

Shows Self-Confidence

Displaying self-confidence is an essential quality that makes a future leader. If self-confidence is not exhibited during an associate position, how will the same person display self-confidence in a management position?

Shows Maturity

Composure is one indicator of an element called emotional intelligence and in part, consists of remaining calm during a crisis. It can also mean not allowing mistakes to hinder your future performance. According to a report on Leadership and Emotional Intelligence, “ratings for direct reports are associated with stress tolerance, optimism, and social responsibility.” These are promising qualities of maturity in the younger years with the organization.


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