Pulling Out Facial Hair

Both men and women have problems with unwanted facial hair and they deal with this problem in different ways. Men often simply shave on a regular basis and if they would like to grow facial hair in the future, they have that option. Women never really desire the option of growing facial hair and end up bleaching it or pulling it out altogether.

Dealing with the pain. Because pulling out facial hair is so painful for many women, they often opt for bleaching their unwanted hair. However, bleaching must be kept up or they could get in trouble! Pulling the hair out lasts longer, is over quicker and does not require refills of product. It does not require much upkeep and is versatile when traveling. Although it may not seem like much comfort at this time, the best way to deal with the pain of pulling out facial hair is to just keep doing it. Your nerves send pain signals to your brain when potential harm is occurring to your body. If you keep pulling out your facial hair on a regular basis, the brain will rewire the nerves to not send signals since the body is not being harmed. If you pulled hair out every day for a week, at the end of the week you would probably feel little or no pain at all.

Tweezers technique. Waxing requires refills of product and does not necessarily decrease pain. Tweezers are much more versatile. Beginning with your forehead, going around your eyebrows, inspecting your nasal and upper lip areas and finishing with a thorough inspection of your chin, begin pulling out your facial hair with tweezers. Begin with the darkest and thickest hair and weed out finer hair as you think appropriate. Remember, if hair is dark, it does not matter if it is fine or thick, it will be visible. So pull out all dark hair no matter what.

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Why electrolysis works. Electrolysis is sending an electric current to the root of the hair and essentially destroying the root. Electrolysis does not have permanent results for everyone, but it does for most people and here is why: when the electric current travels to the root of the hair, it creates a teeny tiny scar. This scar prevents more hair from growing in that place, since hair cannot grow in scar tissue. However, this method does not work on all people because some women have extra healthy immune systems which tear down the scar tissue and rebuild live tissue, creating a place for hair to grow again. I refer you back to the tweezers technique.

Keeping your skin healthy. The more stimulation you give your chin and mouth areas, the more likely they are to grow hair. Keep this in mind if you often touch or massage your face. Since hair helps to regulate hydration and body temperature, not to mention sweat glands, it is important to not allow your skin to get too dry or too oily after your begin regularly pulling out your facial hair. Lotion and cream clog up pores. The best recommendation for facial hydration is coconut oil.

No woman wants facial hair and some men may want an easier way out, rather than having to shave daily. Pain will decrease over time, tweezing is the most versatile method and freshly washed and oiled skin maintains a healthy glow. Dealing with facial hair can be quick and painless over time!