Pros and Cons of Steroids For Male Models

Steroids are synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone; this hormone promotes the growth of skeletal muscle and increases a male models lean body mass. Steroids are synthetically produced versions of the naturally occurring male hormone testosterone. While steroids may be legally prescribed, illicit use far exceeds legitimate use. I will discuss the Pros and Cons of Steroids for Male Models. You may be surprised to learn the cons far outweigh the pros and the cons can prove to be very harmful to the Male Models body and overall health.

The Pros of steroids for Male Models are very few and not worth the risk that is associated with the use of steroids. Reports indicate that the use of steroids does increase lean muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Male Models who use steroids often talk about feeling good about themselves and invincible while using steroids. The body shapes up somewhat with minimal use of steroids. The problem is we has humans are never satisfied. If we make good money we want to make more money, if we lose a little weight we want to lose more and if steroids improve our body some than the tendency is to use more steroids to improve the body even more.

However the hazards of using steroids are very dangerous and may creep up on you before you realize there is a problem. Male Models who use steroids often find that steroids make the users feel edgy, moody, aggressive and paranoid. Some other short-term hazards include:

1) Headaches

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2) Nosebleeds

3) Acne

4) Stomach pain

5) Increased heart rate

6) Increased blood pressure

7) Fluid retention

8) Muscle tightness

9) Muscle cramps

10) Tendon problems

There are many worse long term problems that can arise from male models who use steroids. These include:

1) Heart disease

2) Liver Cancer

3) Hypertension

4) Eating disorder

5) Elevated cholesterol

6) Stunted growth

7) Episodes of rage

8) Delusions

9) Violent behavior

10) HIV

Male Model Steroid users may experience an effect of feminization when using steroids. Male models can also experience infertility, shrinking testicles, reduced sperm count, impotence, baldness and a development of breasts. This is because steroid use and abuse disrupts the normal production of hormones in the body, causing both reversible and irreversible changes. The changes that can be reversed include reduced sperm production and shrinking of the testicles.

The irreversible changes include male-pattern baldness and breast development known as gynecomastia. In one study of male bodybuilders, more than half had testicular atrophy, and more than half had gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is thought to occur due to the disruption of normal hormone balance. These risks are more than I think any male model would want to take. Male Models make their money by their appearance but permanently changing their body in a way that disrupts the male anatomy would not be beneficial to the male models career or health.

Steroid use and abuse has also been associated with cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes, even in athletes and male models younger than 30. Steroids contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases, partly because it changes the levels of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol in the blood. Steroids, particularly the oral types, increase the level of low-density lipoprotein and decrease the level of high-density lipoprotein.

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High low-density lipoprotein and low high-density lipoprotein levels increases the risk of atherosclerosis, a condition in which fatty substances are deposited inside arteries and disrupt the blood flow. If blood is prevented from reaching the heart, the result can be a heart attack. If blood is prevented from reaching the brain, the result can be a stroke. Male Models should think long and hard before considering using steroids.

Steroids also increase the risk that blood clots will form in blood vessels, potentially disrupting blood flow and damaging the heart muscle so that it does not pump blood effectively. Not only Male Models but everyone needs to make sure to keep their heart healthy and has you can see steroid use has the opposite effect.

Male Models also need to realize that steroid abuse has been associated with liver tumors and a rare condition called peliosis hepatis, this is a condition in which blood-filled cysts form in the liver. Both the tumors and the cysts sometimes rupture, causing internal bleeding. Steroid abuse can also cause acne, cysts, and oily hair and skin.

Steroids may seem like a quick and good opportunity to getting your body into shape. However, as I have shown you to weigh the pros and cons of steroid use for male models and the cons far outweigh the pros. If you want to keep you body in good shape for the next photo shoot just eat healthy and exercise. Steroids in the long run will only damage your body.
