Pros and Cons of Pregnancy

I’m a mom of two and am hoping for a third bell fruit here soon. The act of trying makes me reminisce about pregnancy days of old. There were good things and there were bad things, but obviously the good outweighs the bad because I am trying again. When I made that decision I weighed some pros and cons of being pregnant to help me decide. I’d like to share those with all those moms-to-be out there today.

Con: I get to hear other mom horror stories.

Especially the first pregnancy it really bothered me that every single mom I met had some horrible story to tell me. Honestly, those stories don’t help when you begin to play them in your mind once your water breaks. I don’t really want to hear how long your labor was or what horrific things it did to your body. Every labor is different, every body is different after having a baby, why does everyone have to try to depress or frighten a pregnant lady?

Pro: I get to eat whatever I want without getting called a pig.

I have a bit of sweet tooth and can sometimes be a bit gluttonous. Those qualities in a woman often get a bit picked at in an it’s-all-going-to-your-@#! comments sort of way. When you’re pregnant people encourage you to eat, rather than making you feel guilty about eating. You also have a baby shield covering any pudge said eating creates.

Con: I can’t drink.

I’m not an alcoholic, but a warm cup of cocoa with a bit of vodka at the end of the day is often how I keep sane in the face of two sometimes terrible toddlers. I will miss my vodka. Sustaining from alcohol is a big negative of pregnancy for me.

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Pro: I get a new friend test.

Sustaining from alcohol does have one perk; I get to find out who my real friends are being that drink and merriment are my common friend’s activities. I get to see who will deal with me when I’m bored, cranky and hormonal and who will lose my number.

Con: It will destroy my body.

This may be contradictory to con number one, as you’re likely pregnant if you’re reading this, but seriously, having kids does a number on your body in one way or another. My youngest is nearly 2 years-old and I still haven’t gotten my old body back.

Pro: The baby!

Babies have a long list of pros and cons of their own, but the love, joy and sheer adorable of a new baby outweighs all of the cons in both categories. Even while pregnant the weird little twists and turns always made me smile. I loved how both of my boys had a personality right from the womb, and I can’t wait to meet another of my children.

What were your pros and cons of pregnancy?

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