Pros and Cons of Having Exotic Pets

Exotic pets are generally deemed as anything other than the typical domesticated animals like dogs, cats, farm animals, fish and certain species of birds. When most people think about exotic pets they think about animals like snakes, lizards, weasels, tropical birds and wild animals. Before you buy an exotic pet you need to think about both the pros of caring for exotic animals and the cons for both you and the animal.

Pros of Having Exotic Pets

The most obvious pro of having an exotic pet is that they are unique and unusual. Many people like exotic pets because they are the only one in their community that has one. Exotic pets are also very interesting to interact with and in some cases they can produce very intense interactions that appeal to people that have a Zen for adrenaline rushes. Another advantage of having exotic pets is that you may be the animal’s last chance for a good home. If the exotic animal has lost their territory because of civilization encroachment, civil wars or if they were previously kept by people that were not caring for the animal and you have the If the exotic animal has lost their territory because of civilization encroachment, civil wars or if they were previously kept by people that were not caring for the animal and you have the expertise and appreciation of the animal to give it a good home, then the animal is better off with you.

Cons of Having Exotic Pets

While there are a few good reasons to have exotic pets, there are also many cons of having exotic animals as pets. The first drawback is that many exotic pets are taken from the wild in less than humane manners. This causes the animal and their family units, in certain situations, extreme stress and trauma. Another drawback of keeping exotic pets is that they require very specific care to stay happy and healthy. Unfortunately, many people that pick up exotic pets, like lizards and tropical birds, that don’t understand this and as a result the pets die or become very ill. This leads to another con of keeping exotic pets, lack of knowledgeable veterinary care for specific exotic species. Since most local veterinarians only deal with domesticated animals or farm animals, many do not have the experience required to deal with health and husbandry issues that exotic pets may develop.

See also  Exotic but Easy to Find Pets

Should You Have an Exotic Pet

The decision to get an exotic pet needs to be one that is based on the reality of your ability to care properly for the animal. If you are dedicated to providing the right environment, food and medical care that the animal needs then you are a good candidate for exotic pets. However, if you are just buying an exotic pet to be cool or if you are just buying one on a whim then you need to stop for a minute and really think about if this purchase is right for you and for the animal.