Pros and Cons of Having a Summer Baby

You’ve tossed your birth control, started taking prenatal vitamins and have even browsed nursery themes. You’ve decided you want to try to conceive a baby. Congratulations on entering this next fun stage of life!

If you are trying to get pregnant, it’s natural to wonder about the pros and cons of having a baby in different times in the year. Some couples even plan specifically to have a baby in a certain season. And, of course, other parents are just happy conceive at any time. Here are a few of the advantages of having a baby born during the summer.

Pro: There is less risk of illness during the summer.

Germ-o-phobia is sometimes synonymous with new motherhood. Many new moms become paranoid of their babies catching whopping cough, the flu, and RSV. If your baby is born in the summer, there is less risk of him or her getting sick in the first few weeks of life. It can still happen, but is not as common as the fall and wintertime. And, your baby will have his or her first shots by the time winter comes along.

Con: Your child might be the youngest in his/her class.

If you choose to enroll your child on schedule, he or she will be one of the youngest children in kindergarten. This could (but not necessarily) translate into academic and social challenges. Also, he or she might not be as strong as others for sports. In some cases, it might hinder emotional development.

On the flip side, you do have the option of delaying school for a full year. Then your child will be one of the oldest. And, he or she might be emotionally stronger, be the first to obtain a driver’s license, and perhaps get a part-time job.

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Pro: You can take your baby outside more often.

Obviously, this one depends on your location. However, in most areas, one benefit is that you can get out of the house more. You won’t have to deal with as much bundling to keep your baby warm. And of course, less clothing equates to less time-consuming laundry.

You will have more opportunities to get your baby outside to enjoy feeling the wind, seeing birds, and hearing a dog bark. It’s also a great way to lose your baby weight.

Con: Your child’s birthday will always be during summer vacation.

Many elementary school students love being the “birthday kid” for a day at school. If he/she has a summer birthday your child probably won’t get this treat. However, he or she won’t have to attend school on his or her birthday!

Pro: If your baby has mild jaundice, you can treat it naturally with sunlight.

About 60% of babies experience jaundice. If there is plenty of sunlight, it can be treated with exposure to the sun’s rays usually. If not, he or she might have to lay under a billirubin lamp.

Con: Your baby has a higher risk of being near-sighted.

According to this article here, summertime babies have a larger risk of becoming near-sighted, also referred to as short-sighted. However, this can possibly be prevented by limiting exposure to sunlight.

These are just six pros and cons of having a baby in the summer. There are advantages and diasadvantages of all seasons for having a baby. There are no “bad” times to have your miracle baby. Please remember, it can take healthy couples up to a full year to become pregnant. And, numerous couples must turn to medical intervention for help conceiving their baby.

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Planning for a baby can be a joyous time! For more advice, please read “Trying to Conceive Message Boards and Forums.” Also, review “15 Things to Do Before You Become Pregnant.” It could also be helpful to check out “When Should I Take Prenatal Vitamins?” and “Important Pregnancy Facts Every Mom Must Know to Protect Her Baby.” Best wishes!