Prom Dress Shopping in LA

For many high school teenagers, prom is just around the corner! I have to admit, prom was one of the most exciting events during my entire high school experience. It’s the event that every high school student looks forward. Why? Well, because it’s THE night to look dazzling and THE night to dance away the worries of college and all of the other stresses that come handed over with the departure of high school. Although Prom may be an exciting event, the preparation for it may be extremely stressful. That is, if you allow it to be.

All you have to do is book a limousine (for you, your date, your friends, and his friends), get a nice looking corsage that will match your attire, book an appointment at the salon… and OH YEAH, I forgot to mention, find THE dress and THE shoes to go accordingly. Description of THE perfect dress? A unique dress that’s inexpensive and that hopefully no one else will be sporting the same night as you! So you live in LA and there are plenty of places that you can buy your prom dress from. The problem is, you just don’t know where to begin looking… and that’s where I come in. I’m here to give out tips on how to prom dress shop in LA!

Of course if you’re going to be looking for a unique dress that only you will be wearing the night of, you obviously won’t go searching for it at the mall. Why? Because the mall is the place that every other girl gets her dress at. Besides, you’re looking for something inexpensive, remember?

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To begin with, I suggest you look for dresses online. You can get ultra cute one of a kind dresses on the web at a very affordable price too! You just have to look, look, and look some more. Jessica McClintock’s ( line of dresses is really cute. Though some of them are priced at an extremely high price, for the most part, many of the dresses are quite inexpensive.

If you can’t find anything online, then you can always try going to Downtown LA. Yep, you read that right. Go shopping at Downtown LA for your prom dress. The reason why you should go to Downtown to look for your dress is because without a doubt, it will it be anything but costly. Furthermore, there’s a wide selection of dresses from which you can choose from. Make sure you go to the fashion district section of LA or else your search for your prom dress will endure hours upon hours. However, be warned that shopping in Downtown isn’t at all like shopping at the mall. The fitting rooms aren’t even rooms at all. They’re just these draperies that hang from metal bars that protect you from being seen while changing. But look on the bright side! It will all worth it in the end if you find a killer dress, right?

Finally, if you like vintage clothing, then you should without a doubt try searching for your dress at the local thrift stores such Aardvarks. You’ll more than likely be able to find tons of vintage gowns that may suit your taste and accessories to pair it up with. And another great thing about thrift stores is that you might just find a brand labeled dress for just half the price that you would have to pay for it at the mall!

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Oh yeah, and if you absolutely cannot find a dress that you like, you can always design it yourself! It’ll be fun and you will surely have a one of a kind dress.

Happy Prom dress shopping! Have fun and remember, don’t stress about it! After all, you don’t want to break out right before Prom night comes!