Product Review: Vaseline Intesnsive Care Healthy Body Glow

If you are like one of the many people who desire to have that rich beautiful sexy tan and your looking to do it away from the sun; then consider Vaseline Intensive Care Healthy Body glow. There are many ways to get a tan nowadays, but sunless tanners are becoming more and more popular. With Healthy Body Glow, you are actually getting both a moisturizer and a self tanner! Healthy Body Glow is a daily moisturizing lotion designed to give you a natural gradual safe tan. The tan that is promised from Healthy Body Glow is supposed to be a natural looking tan, not a yellow orange look that you may get from other sunless tanners.

So How does Vaseline Intensive Care’s Healthy Body Glow measure up? Well, out of five stars, I would give it a four start rating. One of the best things about Healthy Body Glow is that the price; It is unbeatable. Believe it or not, Vaseline Intensive Care’s Healthy Body Glow is much cheaper than the other tanning lotion on the market. As a matter of fact, it is the cheapest self tanning product in most stores, not including the generic brands! You will probably pay close to five dollars for a 10 fl oz bottle of Healthy Body Glow. Not bad at all considering some other gradual tanners can cost up to three times that amount!

Another thing I liked about this product is it really made my skin feel very silky. Most gradual tanners seem to be more focused on the tan that you can achieve from using their product, that the moisturizing lotion it’s self seems useless. Not Healthy Body glow! You will feel like your body was just wrapped in silk all day long! I don’t even get moisturizing like hat from my regular lotion. And the scent is a pretty floral sweet scent. It’s not bad at all, especially when you consider what some other self tanners smell like. You won’t get that from this tanning lotion!

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Healthy Body Glow defiantly gave me a noticeable tan in only three days! My only gripe about the tan was I bought the bottle made for fair skin tones, when I think I should have gone darker because my tan turned a bit yellow after my fourth application. I don’t think it was a product flaw, but rather my own fault for going with the fair skin tone bottle. I also want to warn you not to use this product too liberally on your knees and elbows, ankles and feet; the self tanner will absorb deeper in these areas and will give you a darker color on those spots.

I have read many positive reviews on Vaseline Healthy Body Glow, and I would like to pass on yet another good reviews for this tanning product. So, if you are looking for a great tan with out the hours in the sun, or money spent in the tanning salon, grab a bottle of Vaseline Intensive Care’s Healthy Body Glow!