Product Review: Skechers Tone Ups

I am in love! I am in giddy, giggly, gushy, breathless love. . . with my new Skechers Tone Ups sandals. I have been wanting to try the Skechers Shape Up shoes but upon a recent visit to a shoe store in my local mall, I found what I’d really been wanting – sandals that have foot support similar to the Shape Ups.

Why do I love these Tone Ups sandals? I have foot problems – plantar fasciitis to be exact – and in the summer I like to be barefoot or wear sandals. Plantar fasciitis is a pain and inflammation of the plantar fascia – a band of tissue which is on the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel to the toes. With plantar fasciitis, I have excruciating heel pain that feels like stabbing in my heels, making is extremely painful to even walk when it flares up. After the tissue stretches the pain lets up, but it is constant and will return after being on my feet for long periods of time. Wearing the wrong shoes aggravates my plantar fasciitis and I have to be very careful about what I wear.

With the foot issues, most sandal designs aggravate my plantar fasciitis. With my new Tone Ups, my feet have not been hurting – at all. I was pleasantly surprised as I was skeptical that these sandals would help my feet in any way.

I noticed the difference immediately after slipping them on. I was wearing a pair of beach flip flops, kicked those off and slipped on my new Skechers. The Tone Ups provide a great deal of support under my arch, forcing me to walk with my center of balance more, well, balanced in the center.

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According to the Skechers website, the Skechers Tone Ups are designed to burn calories, tone your muscles and improve your posture when you wear them. While my interest in the sandals was for my plantar fasciitis, the toning and other benefits are definite positives in my book.

Within the first few days of wearing my new sandals, I could feel that the muscles in my legs and my butt had been working. Basically, I was sore like I am after working out or doing physical labor.

I have worn my Tone Ups daily since I bought them and some days, I was on my feet for long periods – shopping or cleaning house. Initially, the thong-style sandals rubbed a bit between my toes and on the top of my foot. After a couple of days they had stretched in the right places and ways and no longer rubbed.

The Skechers Tone Ups are so comfortable for my feet that I plan to actually buy another pair, or two. The sandals I bought were tan, but there are other several colors available. While I was initially put off by the price of the Tone Ups, (around $50), having feet that are not constantly aching is worth the price. If I end up with a toned butt and legs as a byproduct, then I certainly won’t complain.

See also:
Suzanne Alicie’s review of Skechers Shape Ups
