Product Review: Payless Predictions ® “Cassie” Sneaker

Payless brand Predictions ® “Cassie” sneaker: Every woman’s “perfect little black” sneaker. The “Cassie” sneaker is a knock off a Kenneth Cole ® Reactions casual shoe. The suede and nylon combo with elastic bands that cross the feet topped with a sleek Velcro strap makes them very comfy and modern. If you’re in a hurry you can slip these on and go without a pause in pace. The “Cassie” casual sneaker is perfect for the woman who doesn’t want to wear heals all the time. Their not bulky and they look more expensive than they are, making them a great after work sneaker for commuter warriors.

Shoppers Beware: If you find that you like a certain shoe from Payless it’s best to buy a couple pairs at a time and in a variety of colors (where applicable) due to their new ordering system. The styles may only be around for that month and then it’s off to a new company and style. Forget about trying to get that cool shoe next summer, chances are it won’t be there or on the website.

I stumbled upon these sleek Predictions “Cassie” sneakers about two years ago at a Payless store in a New Jersey outlet mall. I had been searching everywhere over the months for a casual sneaker that would form to my slightly narrow foot, make my feet look smaller (vain? nah) and cost less than $50 dollars. I was completely excited to see that my search might be ending soon. I tried a pair on and it was heavenly. They were perfect and at $17.99 I would be foolish not to buy a pair. I bought one pair figuring if I really liked them that I would just come back or swing by any Payless store and buy another pair of Predictions. By next summer when I wanted to purchase another pair, I was too late. My “Cassie” saviors were nowhere to be found at least not in my size and at any store that I searched.

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Like the savvy shopper that I like to think I am, I went directly to the website and looked up their Predictions line of shoes. Low and behold my “Cassie” sneakers appeared center stage. I felt victorious in my quest once again for my must have “little black “sneaker. Every woman’s closet should have that “perfect little black” sneaker. I was smart this time and ordered three pairs of Predictions and had them delivered to my nearest Payless shoe store. It took about two weeks for my “Cassie” sneaks to arrive and the shipping was free. Whenever you select a store delivery, the shipping is free. With printed order confirmation and photo ID in hand I picked them up with no problems. I currently have one brand new pair left in my closet and a pair I wear at least a couple times a week.

The Predictions “Cassie” comes in other colors as well. I have seen white with a mesh and nylon combo and brown with an olive nylon combination. The only thing that I would change about this sneaker is to include a slightly elevated arch on the inside of the shoe so that the shoe isn’t completely flat. There comfortable now, but the arch would provide an aesthetic appeal to me.; customer service 1-877-474-6379