Product Review: Oxi Clean Detergent

To be honest, I was intrigued by this product, but I wasn’t going to buy it. I normally use Tide. I like Tide. However, my six year old son wouldn’t quit begging me to get the Oxi ball. He said we really needed to try it. His beautiful blue eyes helped convince me to go ahead and try it out. I’m still not entirely sure why he wanted it so bad. Maybe, it’s the fact that it’s a ball. I don’t know. He did mention that it would be easy to use. Kids these days!

The Oxi Clean package looks different than all the other detergents on the shelf. It’s almost triangle shaped, without the tip of the triangle. It has an array of colors throughout, with blue being very dominant on the top, and orange and yellow on a small strip across the bottom. The detergent ball protrudes through the front of the package. The package reads: never pour, never measure, leave in for 25 plus loads. I bought the detergent in fresh scent. The back of the package says the ball will not leave any soapy residue. It also describes how the detergent works.

In order to use the Oxi ball correctly, you must buy the starter kit first. The starter kit contains one laundry detergent ball, one white liner, and one toss-n-go dispenser. The detergent ball slips into the reusable white liner. You have to stretch it to get it to fit over the ball completely. The fabric will overlap itself a little. After you have put the detergent ball into the liner, you put it into the blue toss-n-go dispenser and fasten button completely. Then all you have to do is toss the ball into your washing machine. The ball stays in the whole time, even during the rinse cycle.

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This detergent is very easy to use, not that other detergents are hard to use, but this one is definitely easier. I have lifted the lid throughout the wash cycles, and noticed that there weren’t many suds. I am someone who feels that there should be suds in order for me to believe the soap is working. There is not much scent left on the clothes using this product. The clothes smell clean. They do appear clean also, and it is great for my normal, every day laundry. If I have anything that is really dirty, I use Tide. It just seems to clean better than the Oxi ball. Also, if you’re like me, and you sometimes don’t get around to switching your laundry over until the next day, you will notice a faint spoiled odor on your clothes. I can leave my clothes that have been washed in Tide, in the washer for as many as two days, without any spoiled smell. I washed a load with the Oxi ball one morning and switched the laundry over the next night, and it had that “I need to be washed again” smell.

I do like this product and would buy it again, but I still do prefer Tide.
