Product Review: Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground is a Climber’s Heaven

If your family has a little climber in the house the Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground is the perfect choice for your backyard.

Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground is recommended for children ages 2 through 8. We purchased this for our daughter when she was slightly over a year because she simply loves to climb. She was able to begin using it immediately and by 15 months she had mastered the Little Tikes 8 in 1. Nieces, nephews and friends up age 7 have loved playing on it. We haven’t had the opportunity to have any older kids on it but I suspect that they would quickly get bored. Like all Little Tikes products, the Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground is certainly sturdy enough to handle bigger kids. Our twelve year old climbs it with her sister without incident but is it not designed for taller kids.

This Little Tikes outdoor toy serves as a climber, a slide and a small playhouse. The Little Tikes 8 in 1 features two separate climbing towers. The shorter tower has a swinging door and the tower itself acts as a small playhouse. The taller tower has a small area underneath that can serve as a cave or, in our case, a shady place for the family dog to rest.

The two towers of the Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground are connected by a tunnel. The tunnel height can be set low or high. The Little Tikes 8 in 1 contains two slides which can be placed in different positions depending upon the configuration you select. According to Little Tikes, changing the tunnel and slide postions allows you to create eight different playgrounds. Truthfully, our family found that there was not much incentive to make changes to the Playground once it was assembled. Very little difference is noticeable when the changes are made. To save time, assemble the Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground with the tunnel in the highest position. Our 1 year old had not trouble with it at the higher position. Placing it in the higher position initially will save re-assembly hassles in the future.

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A benefit of the Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground is that it is easily movable. If the selected location doesn’t work out you can push it around to another part of the yard. It is also easy to move while mowing the yard. This benefit allows you to move the 8 in 1 and cut all of the grass rather than attempting to trim around it with a Weed Eater.

If you have a large indoor space the Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground would wonderful to have inside during cold weather. We had our Little Tikes Climb and Slide Castle indoors for the winter and our little one loved it.

The only thing missing from the Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground is a swing.

The cost to purchase a new Little Tikes 8 in 1 Playground averages just under $400. They are available ToysRUs, Walmart and online directly from Little Tikes.

If this price seems a little high for your budget there are two important factors to consider. First, Little Tikes toys are well known for their durability. The Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground will last for years and years. The colors will fade from sun exposure but otherwise the climber will likely still be in great shape years after your child has outgrown it.

Secondly, the resale market for is great for Little Tikes toys in general, but especially for the outdoor climbers and houses. The secondary market price for the 8 in 1 Playgrounds currently shows prices ranging from $150 to $300. They are available on craigslist and eBay, through local classifieds, at consignment sales and can even be found at garage sales. A used Little Tikes 8 in 1 will show sun fading but should otherwise provide your child with the same climbing fun of a new Little Tikes 8 in 1 at a fraction of the cost. Consider, too, that you will likely be able to resell it yourself in a few years and recover most, if not all, of your expense.

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As a customer service, Little Tikes provides assembly and safety instructions online at no charge for the Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground. If you purchase a used model of the Little Tikes 8 in 1 you will have no problems learning how to make changes to the configuration.

A new Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground is purchased in a box and will require a large vehicle to transport. An already assembled Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground may be easier or more difficult to transport depending upon the vehicle you have available. If broken into just two sections, the Playground will fit into the bed of a small pickup.

Disassembly and re-assembly can be made easier with by applying dish soap (we used Palmolive) to the areas where connections are made. The soap allows the plastic pieces to move freely during assembly and then is washed away with the first rainstorm.

The Little Tikes 8 in 1 Adjustable Playground is an excellent value. It is durable, fun and provides hours of enjoyment.
