Product Review: Kagome Juice – 100% Natural Juice from Japan

While living in Japan, I was first introduced to a healthy drink called Kagome Juice. In Japan, it is very popular and since the start of the company in 1899, it has grown into a staple for most Japanese households. Therefore, my addiction grew while living abroad since all of my friends were drinking it. Since my last extended stay in Japan, Kagome has come to America for international sales. The best part, it is 100% natural!

Kagome juice has been built on a philosophy called Katsu-sai, which means to activate the essential vitamins in all vegetables and fruits. Therefore, the company has spent billions of dollars on researching the best techniques to cram all those vegetables and fruits that the body needs into one small 2 liter bottle. Through this research, Kagome scientists have found the perfect method for production that keeps all natural colors into the food that each bottle is composed upon. Hence, when you purchase a bottle of Kagome juice, one of the first things you notice is the vibrant colors minus the addition of color additives.

Throughout the many years of research, the company has composed a special design that Mother Nature intended for us to eat to produce each new kind of juice flavoring. This design is composed in a color wheel exclusively for a natural balance of antioxidants, colored pigments that have the nutritional values needed and phytonutrients that are all necessary for a healthy life. There are five colors and five essential purposes:

1. Red (Lycopene): Natural Ingredients are based upon tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit, beets, red onions, red chili peppers, red bell peppers, blood oranges, cherries and strawberries. All these ingredients are important (as noted in the color wheel) since they promote a healthy heart, memory function, lower risk of cancer and a healthy urinary tract.

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2. Blue/Purple (Anthocyanin): Natural Ingredients are based upon purple carrots, eggplant, purple potatoes, blueberries, blackberries, purple grapes, elderberries and grapes. All these ingredients are important (as noted in the color wheel) since they promote a lower risk of cancer, healthy aging, healthy urinary tract and memory function.

3. White (Flavonol): Natural Ingredients are based upon garlic, onions, cauliflower, shallots and pears. All these ingredients are important (as noted in the color wheel) since they promote a healthy heart, lower some cancers and helps stabilize a healthy cholesterol level.

4. Green(Lutein): Natural Ingredients are based upon artichoke, asparagus, brussels sprouts, leafy greens, avocados, kale, spinach, parsley, okra, kiwi and broccoli. All these ingredients are important (as noted in the color wheel) since they promote lower cancer risks, vision health and bones and teeth strength.

5. Yellow/Orange (Beta-Carotene): Natural Ingredients are based upon carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, apricots, mangos, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit and lemons. All these ingredients are important (as noted in the color wheel) since they promote a healthy heart, healthy immune system, vision health and can help fight against cancer risks.

The first time I was placed with a glass in hand and told drink, I was a little worried about what I was about to drink. But, following my “try everything at least three times rule” I placed the glass to my mouth and drink my first sip. It was a tomato drink that was quite delicious for being a tomato drink; I dislike tomato juice and sauce. My girlfriend told me that the juice I was drinking was called Kagome. Kagome, I thought to myself, means a type of weave pattern in vegetable baskets that are used to harvest tomatoes in Japan. So, why was this tomato juice called so?

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After my first taste I found out that the drink was an entire brand with ten different other types of blended fruit and vegetable drink options. These options are

1. Burgundy Berry Blossom

2. Golden Peach Garden

3. Purple Roots and Fruits

4. Autumn Reds

5. Orange Carrot Blossom

6. Ruby Pomegranate Harmony

7. Golden Peach Garden

8. Carrot Ginger Zest

9. True Vegetable Garden

10. Sweet Summer Tomato

After trying all of these juices, I can confidently guarantee that most of you will enjoy this new juice. It does not taste like V8 with its thick mixture of vegetables and fruit. Rather Kagome juices all taste slightly fruity and sweet, although no sugar is added. My absolute favorite is Purple Roots and Fruits, it tastes like grape juice. Your favorite will be determined by your preferences though. So, for less than $5.00 a bottle, I suggest trying at least one of these juices, you will become addicted just like me.
