Product Review: Glacéau’s Smartwater

A lot of people think all bottled water you can buy is and tastes the same. However, I discovered a weird shaped bottle of water one day at a store. Despite the weird shape, the price was pretty low for the large amount of water the bottle seemed to hold within itself. After purchasing the water and trying it for myself, I found out that this water, Glacéau’s “smartwater”, was actually something different. This water had tasted better than regular water. I could taste the crispness of this mysterious new water.

Glacéau designed the bottle to look taller and more slim. The graphical designs on the bottle were pretty unique and impressive as well, at least compared to other water companies like Deep Park and Poland Spring, whome’s designs haven’t changed in what seems forever, or the changes had been so minimal they weren’t recognizable to me.

The bottle I bought held a little over an ounce over a quart, meaning that the bottle was roughly 25% of a gallon. For the price I had gotten the bottle for (>$2.00), it was a bargain for sure.

Upon some research I found out that Glacéau’s “smartwater” contained enhanced electrolytes which led to more rapid hydration for when I, or you, really need it. Whether it is a hectic day at work, a rough work-out at the gym, or just laying in the sun, this water quickly re-hydrates you so you’re not left thirsty. The abundant amount of water definitly helps keep you hydrated for a long time as well without the calories, nor sodium.

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If you don’t believe me about Glacéau and their progress, check out the many hits the media has produced about Glacéau and their products. For example, the Wall Street Journal explains their theory about Glacéau’s success in their article here. To see more articles about their success, go to Glacéau’s official web site at, go over the roll over titled “Corporate Stuff” at the top of the page, and click “Press Hits” on the drop box menu.

Glacéau, the company that invented smartwater, as well as other drinks such as vitaminwater and fruitwater, was formed in 1996 and is based in Whitestone, NY.

And if you don’t believe me, or the press about Glacéau, pick up one of their fine products at one of your local stores. I suggest the smartwater, but all of their products are truly great. Also, don’t forget to check out their unique website at for more information on their products, as well as their company in general.

Questions/comments? E-mail me at [email protected] or simply message me via Associated Content.
