Product Review: Emergen-C Super Energy Booster

A doctor friend recommended Emergen-C Super Energy Booster to me when I was recovering from a long sickness that left me feeling tired and weak. With minutes of drinking the mixture I felt more alert mentally and my energy level was better than it had been in sometime.

The Alacer Corp of California distributes Emergen-C Super Energy Booster. They have been making the Emergen-C product line for over three decades.

You can buy the product at most drug stores and health food stores. Even Wal-Mart is carrying it in their vitamin section. Emergen-C Super Energy Booster is sold in boxes containing 36 individual 0.3 ounce packets containing a fruit flavored, fizzy drink mix. The cost usually ranges from $9.00 to $14.00 a box. There are a wide variety of fruit flavors to choose from including tropical, tangerine, super orange, raspberry, lite, lemon-lime, and cranberry.

Each individual packet is to be mixed with 4-6 ounces of water. The flavor is a bit on the tangy side. I often mix fruit juice in with it to calm the zest a bit.

Emergen-C Super Energy Booster contains 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C as 7 mineral ascorbates and 32 mineral complexes. Besides giving you that needed energy lift it also strengthens your immune system.

The 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C that is in the Emergen-C Super Energy Booster is a non-acidic formula that will not upset the sensitive stomach.

The directions on the box state that as a dietary supplement; take one packet 2 to 4 times a day. I take it twice daily, usually once mid-morning and then again in the afternoon when I feel myself starting to slow down. If I feel myself coming down with something, usually a common cold or the flu, I up my intake to four times a day. I will give credit to the Alacer Corp’s Emergen-C Super Energy Booster formula for helping build and maintain my immune system. I very seldom catch the current bug that is going around and when I do, my system is usually able to fight it off quickly compared to others that I know.

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The individual moisture proof packets are handy and convenient for traveling. I keep some in my travel bag, backpack and glove box so that I will have them wherever I go.

I really like the fact that the Emergen-C Super Energy Booster formula does not contain caffeine or guarana like so many energy and sports drinks that are on the market today. The lift you get from Emergen-C Super Energy Booster is not a sudden adrenaline rush like that of caffeine, but a more natural, subtle, renewing of energy and strength.

I would recommend Emergen-C Super Energy Booster to anyone who needs to have that extra bit of energy to get through the day, or too anyone who wants to build or maintain a strong, healthy immune system.