Product Review: Archos 7 Home Tablet

I purchased the Archos 7 Home Tablet recently and after working with it for a while now, I feel I can share with you some of the good and bad features of this Internet media tablet. You definitely will need to be patient with it or make an early decision to return it to the store.

The Archos 7 Home Tablet has 8 GB of memory. It also has an android operating system which is a plus it you are tired of being a slave to the IPod/ITunes environment. If you can settle for less-than-perfect device, you may find it is worth giving the Archos 7 HT a try. For the most part I am satisfied with most of its features, however this unit does present with a lot of challenges and inherent quirks.

Price – I was able to buy the Archos 7 HT on sale for $149.00. Had I paid the regular price of $199.00, this still would have been a good deal price-wise for an Internet tablet. There are many other brands on the market in a much higher price bracket with perhaps more features and more consistent functionality, but the Archos 7 HT is sufficient for those on a budget who would like an Internet tablet.
Screen – The 7″ screen was one of the biggest advantages for me. After using the Ipod with it’s 3.5″ diagonal screen, it was a relief to have the larger 7″ screen.
Internet – You can connect to the Internet with Archos 7 HT once the WiFi controls have been set up. Stay well within the range of a wireless network. Sometimes browsing is slow. You probably would not purchase this unit for that sole purpose anyway. The Archos 7 comes with an email function which is easy to set up and provides basic service.
Pre-Loaded Apps – The Archos 7 comes with several apps already installed, including an alarm clock, Aldiko book reader, a very basic calculator, ColorNote, Photo Frame, and Global time. I do like the Photo Frame which displays my pictures beautifully. The screen resolution is 800 x 480 which has good clarity.
Battery Life – The battery life is satisfactory. I am getting about 5 6 hours before needing to recharge, although the manufacturer brags of up to 10 hours of battery life. The battery life is probably affected by what you’re running. I’ve just gotten into the habit of charging it every day.
Multimedia – Playing music and videos is easy and enjoyable on the Archos7 HT and actually, I feel this is its strongest function. The Archos 7 does have good speakers and the volume controls are easily to adjust. For the videos, I also like the ease with which you can toggle between full screen mode and partial screen for the videos.

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Stubborn touchscreen

The touchscreen for the Archos 7 is often reported to be “resistive” and I can definitely agree with that. You literally have to learn how to get this unit to respond to your touch. If you are in a hurry will seem very “unresponsive” to you and might need to choose another Internet tablet.
Scrolling frustrations
Another annoying thing about the touch is that if you are scrolling through music titles, pictures or apps it invariably loads something you didn’t intend for it to load. I have learned through trial and error to scroll using the side of my finger to keep this from occurring. It’s tricky, to say the least.
Limited Apps Library
The Application Library, or “AppsLib” as it is called, is very disappointing. After you register your Archos 7 at you can download any of their applications. Note, the required Serial Number is located on a tiny white sticker on the back of the unit and if you are visually challenged, you will need a magnifying glass to see the numbers. My AppsLib did not initially work at all and I had to uninstall it, download the updated 2.0 version from the Archos website and reinstall it again.Since the new install, I haven’t had a problem downloading apps but even though many of the apps are free I have been very disappointed at the choices of applications available. Apple runs circles around Archos in this area. There just isn’t much that interested me. Of the few applications I did find that I liked, one proved to be senseless and I immediately deleted. One caused the screen timeout to freeze (I also deleted it). Two other apps never would completely download, giving me an annoying error message.

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In conclusion, anyone who is considering buying the Archos 7 HT will be in for a few challenges. This is a solid, sturdy unit that should last you a good while if you properly care for it. Be prepared, however, for its bent towards sluggishness, the resistiveness of the touchscreen, and the poor selection of applications.