Product Review: Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel

In today’s society people judge you on looks, but they really judge you on hair looks. The way you fix your hair has to do a lot with your personality, but people don’t know that. As you can see on my Pure Writing picture I like to slick my hair back, “I guess I’m just old-school, but I can’t help that.” But, to me slicking my hair back makes me feel more like an executive or somebody important, but others think that I’m a slick bad person, but that is their opinion. The reason I wrote this article is to inform you all of one of my favorite hair products that I use daily, and the name of the product is Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel. Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel is probably one of the best hair gels out on the market today, and the price is real inexpensive.

Product Review: Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel #1: Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel is probably one of the best hair products

Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel is probably one of the best hair products out there. After years of trying to find the perfect hair gel for my hair, I found out about Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel. This hair gel is so good, because it holds your hair back, and in place all day long. Not like other hair gel products that only hold up for like one hour. But, Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel is different, this hair gel will hold your hair up all day long. The only way your hair will mess up is if you run your fingers through it. But, if you keep your hands out of your hair, your hair will maintain clean, slick, shiny, and with volume all day long. I really like this product, because sometimes I am having a real long day with exams, and daily stress. So, what I end up doing is running my hands through my hair very often in one day, but after messing up my hair I usually go to a restroom, and dampen my hair with some water, which causes the Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel to revive again to it’s true luster. Not only does Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel make your hair slick, and nice, but it also helps your hair maintain soft, which is a good thing for the average hair fanatic.

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Product Review: Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel #2 This hair gel is very inexpensive, which is good for

This hair gel is very inexpensive, which is good for our pocket change. The small container as you can see in my picture usually runs about three dollars with tax. I usually buy mine at Wal-Mart in the minority hair product section by the pharmacy. I would like to receive comments on how this product worked for you, and if you need more information about Ampro Clear Ice Hair Gel just go to .
