Product Review: Adult Diapers

I hadn’t yet used adult diapers, although there have been times that I have wished I was wearing one, so when a sample arrived in the mail, I thought I’d find out just how “dependable” the things were. This was something I might eventually use(unlike the previous tampon sample), so I decided to do a product review.

I snuck upstairs so no one would know what I was doing and locked myself in my bathroom. The packaging was pretty enough I guess, but there was a lot of wasteful cardboard and plastic. I was glad I had a small pair of scissors to open the package.

This thing fell out on the floor and as I stooped over to retrieve it, I was impressed by the feather light weight of it. I tossed it up in the air and it seemed to float lazily down into my hand. As I unfolded the product, I noticed it was soft and nicely scented. Well, the scent might have been from my shampoo, so I guess I shouldn’t say that, this being an honest review and all.

Since I can’t stand on one leg anymore without tipping over, I sat down on the toilet to easily step into the elasticized legs of my diaper. One toenail got snagged on the elastic, so be warned to snip those jagged toenails before attempting this. A government warning tag might be appropriate, or a siren for the sight impaired.

I got the diaper up to my knees and stood up. I felt like breaking into song with “I’m a big girl now!” but I resisted, thinking I heard someone outside. I was right. A kid had slipped a note under the door. It said “Emmergancy got to go bad”. I told her to buzz off and she loudly stomped downstairs. She stomps quite often to let everyone know she is upset.

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I stepped in front of my full length mirror. I have to say it was a decisive moment in my life. I looked at myself standing in my big girl pull up panties, which by the way closely matched my big girl bra, and sighed. So this is what it boils down to, I thought. I turned around slowly, and noticed I already looked like I had a load in the back. Holy cow, these “light as a feather” things add the pounds. They looked a little frilly around the elastic, too.

I decided to give them the real test. I hauled on my jeans and went downstairs. The kid who left the note passed me on my way down and snarled something, but I was trying to listen for any crackling sounds emitting from my pants, so I didn’t catch what she said. I walked around for a while waiting for someone to notice, but nothing happened. I grabbed a second cup of coffee and grabbed my laptop.

After about a half an hour, I forgot about them. I told a kid whining about being bored that refilling my coffee would give her a feeling of accomplishment. She begrudgingly filled it commenting that I “owed her” as she slammed it down on my end table. Yeah, right.

The inevitable happened. Now you more mature ladies can relate to the urgency of the moment we all experience. There is simply no forewarning. It strikes suddenly and violently, forcing us to contract things that might have lost some contractibility. Then when the initial attack ebbs a bit, we make a dash for the head. It did and I did.

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A locked bathroom door perpetuated my state of urgency into one of panic. I banged on the door and heard a snide little voice say “Sorry, it’s busy.” ARGHHHHH! Up the stairs I struggle with my knees locked together.

It will suffice to say I give the product an A+++.

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