Pro-Bulimia and Pro-Anorexia Sites: Polluting the Minds of Millions

Anorexia and bulimia are often viewed as disorders that are to be cured. But what happens when the people who have the disorder embrace and like this life style? The answer is pro-anorexia and bulimia websites.

These websites have been around for many years, however being the naïve person that I am I didn’t quite understand what they involved. I decided to find some of these websites myself to discover what they are like. I was mesmerized as well as disturbed by some of the things they put on these websites. So to better inform all of you of the horrible information that people can get their hands on I will tell you what is on them.

The first thing I noticed when looking at these websites it the tricks section. This is where people post how they have lost weight. They list certain things such as surrounding food with pictures of obese people, drinking lots of cold water, and buying clothes too small for you. There are hundreds of tricks on the web about how to stay skinny unfortunately on these websites they are not healthy ones.

Another thing I noticed on the pro-Bulimia websites is many ways to make yourself purge, or vomit. They say anything from how many fingers to stick down your throat, to sticking things like toothbrushes down it. Many also have tips on how not to ruin your teeth, such as not brushing until an hour after vomiting. There are also ways to know if you have thrown up everything in your stomach, and these are often listed on these sites.

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Another thing they also list is good and bad things to throw up. There is a huge list of foods on both. They say some are bad because they get stuck in your throat. (Although some people on these sites like this idea because the food that’s stuck makes them gag thus making them vomit further.) They also say many things that are good going down are not so good coming up. Most foods that are bad are listed with a reason why they are.

Many of these websites list distractions that help people not want to eat or make them forget about eating. On one website ( they talk about three types of distractions. These are exercise, cleaning, and miscellaneous distractions. Exercise distracts are those things that get your body active such as jogging. Cleaning distractions are things like cleaning dirty things. This in turn makes many not want to eat after seeing dirty things and smelling the cleaners used. Miscellaneous distractions are basically anything else that doesn’t fall into the other two categories such as taking a bubble bath or reading.

As you can see these websites are very informative. They are too informative if you ask me. People need to realize that these websites are out there. They are polluting the minds of millions of people. I am not at all against support groups for this disorder but I am against these types of websites. Anorexia and Bulimia are two very life threatening disorders. People with these disorders need to be helped by getting rid of this disorder, not by furthering it.

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