Preparing for Marine Boot Camp – 5 Things You Need to Know Before Going to Boot Camp

Marine boot camp will be one of the most challenging, and most rewarding, experiences of your life. Being prepared for boot camp in both a physical and an emotional way will help lead to a successful 13 weeks of boot camp training. Success means graduation. You have one chance at Marine boot camp. It is imperative to be prepared.

Get in physical shape for Marine Boot Camp

The demands put on your body during boot camp will be over-whelming. Doing your best to get in shape before you head off to USMC boot camp will help ease the over-whelming strain to your body.

In your first week at Marine boot camp (also called receiving), you will be given and Initial Strength Test (IST). In order to pass this strength test, men will be required to do 2 “dead-hang” pull-ups and 44 crunches within two minutes, and be able to run 1.5 miles in 13.5 minutes. Women in Marine boot camp will have to perform a “flex-arm” hang for 12 seconds, be able to do 44 crunches in two minutes, and be able to run 1.5 miles in 15 minutes.

Being able to perform these physical activities before you get to boot camp will be a definite advantage.

Lose any extra weight before Marine boot camp

If you get to boot camp and are over-weight, you will be ordered to a “tray-diet” until your weight is appropriate for your size and stature.

Prepare mentally for Marine boot camp

Boot camp is tough – most likely will be the toughest thing you will ever experience up to this point in your life. Preparing yourself mentally for drill instructor’s tactics and home-sickness will go a long way towards over-all success through-out your boot camp experience.

See also  Getting Ready for Navy Boot Camp

Memorize what you need to know before getting to USMC boot camp

Your recruiter will tell you the things you need to memorize in order to prepare for boot camp. These things include 11 General orders for a Sentry, The Marines Hymn, and the USMC Core Values.

Learning about Marine history and the Marine Rifle Creed will also benefit you as you prepare for boot camp.

Learn how to swim in order to prepare for boot camp

Graduating boot camp rides on many factors. One of these is your ability to swim. You will be tested on basic swimming skills.

Marine boot camp will feel like torture. Just remember, the US Marines are top-notch – how else do you train the best other than the toughest and most thorough training?
