PPS File Extension Information

The .PPS file extension is commonly used with Microsoft’s PowerPoint application. This extension is commonly confused with .PPT, which is another extension associated with PowerPoint. The .PPS file extension is also associated with Paint Shop Pro, an application that works much like Adobe Photoshop.

How to Open a PPS File Extension

To actually open a .PPS/.PPT file for PowerPoint, one of two things is needed: Microsoft PowerPoint or the free PowerPoint viewer that is downloadable on Microsoft’s website. Note, however, that to actually edit or create .PPS files you will need the actual PowerPoint application.

A .PPS file for Paint Shop Pro will of course require the program to operate. Paint Shop Pro is not free, so sadly there is no alternative for users to open the file without buying the program.

Differences Between .PPS and .PPT File Types

The .PPS file extension and .PPT file extension are two extensions associated with Microsoft PowerPoint. So which one should be used? Interestingly enough, the .PPS and .PPT file extension can be interchangeably used with no noticeable effect.

Microsoft PowerPoint does treat the two extensions differently, however. The .PPT file type will automatically open in an edit mode- while the .PPS file type will automatically open in a play mode. While in edit mode, menus and commands are available to make changes to the PowerPoint slide. Otherwise, the play mode will be initialized- and only options regarding viewing the material will be viewable. Usually the play mode is for published slides- while the edit mode is for collaborating and editing the project.

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Seeking Alternatives to Opening a .PPS Extension

Not everyone has Microsoft PowerPoint, or the money to go buy it. And while the free PowerPoint viewer Microsoft offers is nice, it won’t let users edit the slides or material. Luckily, there is an alternative with OpenOffice.

OpenOffice will indeed take a .PPS file extension, and allow one to edit it very similarly to the way Microsoft PowerPoint would. In all actuality, OpenOffice is meant to “clone” the Microsoft Office suite- so technically OpenOffice is another program that can open .PPS file extensions.

But as OpenOffice is indeed not Microsoft, be aware that there are some differences (often times, OpenOffice is seen as inferior). But did we mention that OpenOffice was free? OpenOffice is part of the open source movement- anyone can help in building it. It may not have all the functionality Microsoft PowerPoint does, but it allows the editing of .PPS file extensions nonetheless.

Final Notes on the .PPS File Extension

The .PPS file extension is prone to security risks. Therefore, it is vital that consumers who work with these file types have some sort of Antivirus or spyware blocker.

The problem lies within the capability of PowerPoint that enables users to upload all sorts of multimedia content- videos, movies, art, and so on. One could easily hide malicious code, objects, macros, or programs within a .PPS file. Therefore, care should be taken when handling these file types.