Poking Holes in the Theory of Evolution – Point/Counterpoint

The theory of evolution has been the accepted context within which many in the scientific community have driven their research endeavors. However, many in the scientific community do not agree that evolutionary theory is the scientific basis on which grant all approved scientific research. In this essay, I will present the main points of evolutionary theory and counterpoints from a Creationist point of view in order to show that evolution is not sound science.

One of the main supporting points of evolution is its reliance on the stratified rock layers for its aging calculations. The geologic time scale is built on the assumption that it took millions of years for the layers of sedimentary rock to form and for the remains of animals to decay and fossilize. A counter point to this “historic science”: recent discoveries of layer discrepancies, volcanic eruption and earthquake disturbances, and trees preserved vertically among the layers dispels the notion that layers of sedimentary rock took millions of years to form. Additionally, tissues and bones discovered among the fossil record are far younger than anticipated, and the admission by prominent evolutionists that fossil dating is a circular argument that rock aging depends on fossil aging, and vice versa. The stratified rock layers are not a sound basis for sound science.

Another point of evolutionary theory is its reliance on the idea that animals are evolving from simple to complex, and therefore more advanced. A counterpoint to this construct: scientific investigation has shown that instead of evolving into more advanced creatures, animals have actually become weaker and smaller over time. The fossil record shows that animals that still exist today were once much larger and stronger. There are fossils of giant crocodiles, 18-inch cockroaches, and huge dragonflies, among others. These discoveries also support the previous counterpoint that the rock strata system employed by evolutionists does not support the increasing development of animals, but actually the devolving of quality of life forms.

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These are but two points of evolutionary theory, among many, that can be challenged by scientific investigation. Science is the investigation of observable facts. Therefore, the scientific community should use its influence to pursue scientific methodologies and demonstrable theories wherever they lead, not adopt a theory and selectively interpret the same evidence available to all.

Information for this article was provided by Dr. Grady McMurtry, Creation Worldview Ministries.
