PlayhouseDisney.Com: A Review

Can I just say that Playhouse Disney is super fun. I participated in some of the activities myself and found them just really fun and entertaining. For a young person this Website will help with reading skills, hand eye coordination; creativity; shape recognition and so much more. PlayhouseDisney.Com is this cute safe online place for youngsters. You can definitely leave your kids there for a little while. The activities are really good. I was impressed.

One thing I have to say that I liked about the site was that the site graphics and animation were not off the wall. I have an older laptop that I love very much because it does what I need to have done; but many Website take a long annoying time to load and visit link pages. I mean my load time is not usually terrible; but I guess I’d just like it to be a little faster sometimes but it only happens because the laptop can get a little bogged down when it’s going through too many processes. When I decided to go to Playhouse Disney I honestly thought; ‘here we go; another site with way too much unnecessary content to waste 30 minutes of my life that could be 15.

But, I was pleasantly surprised to find that though this site has a whole lot of content; they’ve somehow managed to make it quick loading. I was also pleased with the simplistic feel of the animation. I know this is because the age group the site is targeting; but it gave me a feeling of a quality, almost public TV feeling program structure meets modern presentation. I liked it. Everything loaded fast and was very quick moving.

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I was also impressed with the activities available to children. It wasn’t just a site about this cartoon or that cartoon with a couple of games thrown in here and there. It had actual tangible activities that children would not only enjoy; but they would learn from. Every activity was heavily interactive and very stimulating I would think for any child. It was for me as an adult. If I did the activities like 20 times I might get bored. But, for such a children’s site to hold my attention the way that one did, I was impressed. It actually brought out the child in me so much so that I plan to go back and keep playing the games.

The activities were not just games of strategy; but more of games that encourage creativity and thinking in children. One of my favorite activities is where children could create their own music. Kids can also print out pictures and color them in. Kids can actually draw pictures with pen and paper on the computer screen with their mouse. Kids can listen to and participate in stories. The stories are at the same time interactive learning games. Of course there were links around where you can purchase Disney party theme items and show tickets for the Jonas Brothers. I mean you have to expect it. But in the end I thoroughly enjoyed my site visit because I think this site is just a must see. I was highly impressed.