Plants that Grow Well Under Pine Trees

Pine trees are beautiful and practical in a number of ways. Not only do they provide a natural windbreak, but they look and smell amazing. The scent of natural pine is unlike anything available in a bottle, and pine trees are an eye-catching and appealing part of the landscape. In addition, shade-loving plants that require acidic soil grow well under pine trees and further add to their natural beauty. Instead of looking at pines as a problem when trying to grow plants, consider the following plants that will grow beneath their beautiful boughs. Many plants thrive under pine trees, and they can transform a basic green and brown landscape into a colorful and scenic area of property.

Precautionary Statement

Not all outdoor plants grow well in all climates. Before choosing plants that will grow under pine trees, make sure they are recommended in your particular hardiness zone. Also, add rich organic top soil to avoid damaging pine tree roots. Not only will it provide a thicker medium in which to plant foliage and flowers, but it will also add valuable nutrients to existing soil under pine trees.

Grow Beautiful Trillium

The trillium is a beautiful flower that grows wild in the northern areas of the United States as well as many other temperate locations. Trillium is protected in the state of Michigan, as it is in many other areas, and it is one of my all-time favorites. The North American blooms have three petals, and they are typically white and turn a beautiful shade of lavender as spring progresses. They are considered perennials, but their seeds are often spread by ants and rodents. Never pick or dig up trillium plants, especially if they are protected in your area. Instead, plant them from seeds that have been legally harvested. They will grow under pine trees and provide a spectacular array of blooms that will come back year after year.

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I love impatiens. Their colors are vibrant, and they grow well in shady acidic locations including the areas under pine trees. Some impatiens are perennials, and other varieties are annuals that must be replanted year after year. When looking for plants that will grow under pine trees, consider a variety of colors. When properly cared for, impatiens will provide mounds of flowers that will bloom until the end of the growing season, and they will transform an ordinary colorless space under pine trees into an eye-catching outdoor display.

Grow Fragrant Lily of the Valley

Another one of my personal favorites that grows well beneath the shade of pine trees is the classic lily of the valley. The scent of the blooms is heavenly, and it has inspired many perfumes and other fragrances. They will naturally spread, and since they are perennials they will come up year after year. However, lily of the valley is poisonous when consumed, and extreme caution should be exercised when considering these plants around young children and pets since the foliage, fruit, and flowers can cause extreme illness or even death.


Are you looking for blooming shrubbery that will grow well beneath the shade of tall pines? Consider the rhododendron. This beautiful flowering shrub is ideal under pine trees with high lower branches since they thrive in acidic soil and partial shade. They also fare well when planted under pine trees since they receive some protection from the wind and elements. Root rot is said to be a problem when growing rhododendrons, but a component in pine bark inhibits the development of harmful fungi. Rhododendrons are available in many colors and varieties, and they are lovely when planted under pine trees in appropriate climates and locations.

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Grow Shade-Loving Potted Plants

If pine tree roots growing along the surface of the soil are a problem, consider potted shade-loving plants including the aforementioned varieties. Many shade-loving plants prefer acidic soil, and many other colorful varieties are an option when looking for plants that grow well under pine trees. Consult your local cooperative extension or garden center, and choose well-draining pots to display eye-catching flowers and foliage under pine trees on your property. Pine trees add true beauty to the landscape in a number of ways, and flowering plants placed under their boughs make them even more appealing and naturally beautiful.


Extensive Personal Gardening Experience