Planting Perennials that Attract Hummingbirds

Perennials are favorite feeding spots for hummingbirds. These little birds add a fairy tale quality to a backyard that displays blooming perennials with little darting hummingbirds feasting on the nectar.

Here is a list of the perennials that hummingbirds find super savory. Plant them once, and they bloom every year, attracting these adorable, colorful birds to your backyard. Perennials basically take care of themselves, not requiring much work at all. As long as the perennials are watered and the old blooms removed, they will flourish for years to come.

Hummingbirds are attracted to the color red, but they love other bright colors also. Planting perennials with tube-shaped flowers are also a good choice because the hummingbirds have long, thin bills that reach right in and grab the nectar at the base of the tube. When deciding upon which perennials to plant, take into consideration the length of time the plant blooms and which months they bloom. Plant a variety, so you always have perennials in bloom throughout the summer. Remember to check the planting zone that you live in, so you can choose the right plants for the climate.

Hummingbird’s Ten Favorite Perennials:

Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) – This perennial grows in Zones 3 to 9. This wildflower blooms mid-summer. The flowers are available in orange and red. This is a great perennial for a dry climate. It is drought resistant.

Columbine (Aquilegia) – This grows best in Zones 3 to 9. This perennial blooms in the spring to early summer months. It is available with solid colors and two toned colors. They grow from 1 to 3 feet.

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Bee Balm (Monarda didyma) – This beautiful perennial grows in Zones 4 to 9. It has flowers that grow up to 4 feet around the middle of the summer. They are available with blooms in red, pink, purple, and white.

Cardinal Flower (Labelia cardinalis) – This perennial grows in Zones 3 to 9. It loves damp, moist soil and has blooms in red, pink, and white. Its normal height is from 3 to 5 feet and dons flowers most of the summer.

Coral Bells (Heuchera) – This perennial thrives in Zones 3 to 9. This plant likes partial shade. It grows well in rich, fertile soil. The leaves on this plant are a purple shade. Near the end of spring, long wands of tiny flowers bloom.

Evening Primrose (Oenothera) – This perennial does well in Zones 3 to 9. If you have a yard with poor or dry soil, this plant is perfect. It blooms from spring to summer with either yellow or pink flowers. It grows from 2 to 3 feet and needs to be staked to stay upright.

Crocosmia (Crocosmia) – The best conditions for this plant are in Zones 5 to 9. This blooms from the middle of the summer to the end. The flowers are a striking red and orange. This perennial requires moist soil.

Hyssop (Agastache) – This grows well in Zones 5 to 9. This is a bush like perennial and is covered with violet and blue flowers from the middle of the summer to the end of the summer. The plant grows up to 3 feet wide and 3 feet tall.

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Maltese Cross (Lychnis chalcedonica) – This perennial enjoys the climate in Zones 3 to 9. Its blooms are a bright red and the plant grows from 2 to 3 feet high. This perennial really adds color to your backyard hummingbird garden. It needs moist, drained soil.

Red-Hot Poker (Kniphofia) – It is best to grow this perennial in Zones 5 to 9. It makes a wonderful border in small groups. The plants grow up to 4 feet and have colorful red, orange, and yellow flowers. It requires well drained soil.

Your backyard hummingbird garden requires a little planning to have perennials that bloom from the beginning of spring to the end of the summer. Spend the time to plan your garden just once and enjoy colorful blooms and stunning hummingbirds for years to come.
Resource: For the Love of Hummingbirds, Teri Dunn, Birds and Blooms, June, 2009.