Pica in Cats: What to Do When Your Cat has a Fabric Feast

Some cats are extremely picky about their food; they will only eat one brand of dry food or only one or two flavors of wet food. Other cats, however, eat whatever they can find. If your cat continuously chews on or swallows inedible items, your cat has a condition known as pica.

Pica is a condition in which a cat eats or chews on inedible items such as string, plastic, paper, yarn, cords, or plants. For instance, I have caught my cat, Carmine, eating plastic, paper, and I have even caught him attempting to swallow a thumbtack!

Pica is dangerous to cats. If your cat eats an inedible item, it could get stuck in your cat’s stomach or intestine, which would not allow food to go through the system. In addition, if something is lodged in your cat’s stomach or intestine, it may cut off the blood supply to both of these organs. These conditions are potentially lethal. A lot of household plants are poisonous to cats, so it essential that you keep your plants out of your cat’s reach. Finally, cats may be electrocuted if they chew on telephone, computer, or other electric cords.

You are probably wondering why your cat would eat inedible items. Veterinarians are not sure of the exact cause for this behavior. However, sometimes cats with pica possess another serious disease such as feline immune deficiency virus or feline leukemia. Veterinarians also believe a genetic component may be involved in pica; oriental cats, such as the Siamese, tend to exhibit pica more often than other breeds.

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If your veterinarian examines your cat and determines he or she does not have a medical condition that causes your cat’s pica, your cat’s pica is behaviorally based. Your cat may be eating inedible objects in order to get your attention, because he or she is bored, may be hungry, or may be attracted to the odors of the objects.

There are several precautions you can take to keep your cat from ingesting inedible items. As I mentioned earlier, keep plants out of your cat’s reach. If your cat enjoys chewing on electrical cords, try spraying them with bitter apple. Alternatively, spray them with something that possesses a strong odor, such as air freshener. You could also invest in cord guards.

If your cat appears to enjoy eating fabric, keep blankets and clothes off the floor and out of your cat’s reach. You may find it necessary to close your bedroom door while you are not in the house so your cat does not have a fabric feast while you’re out.

Playing with your cat regularly will keep your cat entertained, preventing boredom from setting in. Catnip toys such as mice or balls may also encourage your cat to stop munching on inedible things. You may want to consider planting catnip or cat grass if your cat likes eating plants.

Call your vet immediately if your cat becomes lethargic, throws up, or exhibits other disturbing behaviors. You may also desire to consult your vet regarding other suggestions he or she has for treating pica.

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Cats eat inedible objects for health and behavioral reasons. It is important that you discover the ways in which you can encourage your cat to quit chewing, sucking on, and ingesting inedible things, as this behavior is potentially fatal.