Photoshop Effects – How to Create Gradient Text

In this tutorial I will show you how to create Gradient Text in Photoshop. This is an easy effect that you can apply to your text to create some really cool looking text. The first part of this tutorial I will write for beginners and the second part will be for the advance Photoshop users.

How to Create Gradient Text for Beginners

Open your Photoshop program and let it load. Next you will need to create a new canvas. Click File > New at the top of your Photoshop window to create a new file. Create the Canvas about 400 pixels by 400 pixels. Set the background to white and click OK.

Next you will need to select your type tool from your toolbar. You can change your font options at the top of your Photoshop window. Once you have selected the font and size that you want to use, draw a rectangle across the canvas. Make your canvas big enough to type your text in it.

Now you will need to Duplicate your Layer. Right click on your top layer and click Duplicate Layer from the pop up menu. If you do not see your Layers Panel, press F7 on your keyboard and that will bring your Layers Panel up. Name this Layer Gradient Text.

Now right click on the Duplicate Layer and select Blending Options from the pop up menu. The Blending Options box will pop up. You will need to click on Drop Shadow first. Make sure that you click on the Word Drop Shadow so that you can change the values. Enter the following Values below in the Drop Shadow box.

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Drop Shadow

Blend Mode – Multiply
Color – # 6b6b6b
Opacity – 50%
Angle – 115
Use Global Light – Checked
Distance – 5
Spread – 0
Size – 5
Contour – Linear
Anti-aliased – Unchecked
Noise – 0

Now click on Gradient Overlay and enter the following values in the fields.

Gradient Overlay

Blend Mode – Normal
Opacity – 100%
Gradient – Blue – Yellow – Blue Gradient
Reverse – Unchecked
Style – Linear
Align with Layer – Checked
Angle Scale – 82
Scale – 150%

Now click on Stroke and enter the following Values in the fields.


Stroke Size – 2
Position – Outside
Blend Mode – Normal
Opacity – 100%
Fill Type – Gradient
Gradient – Blue – Yellow – Blue Gradient
Reverse – Unchecked
Style – Linear
Aligh with Layer – Checked
Angle – 95
Scale – 85%

Now click OK on the Blending Options.

That’s it!! That’s how you create Gradient Text. You can change the color of the Gradient in the Gradient Overlay in Blending Options.

How to Create Gradient Text for the Advance

Step 1 – Create a New Canvas

Step 2 – Select the type tool and type what you want on your canvas.

Step 3 – Duplicate the layer.

Step 4 – Rasterize the layer.

Step 5 – Right click on your duplicate layer and click Blending Options.

Step 6 – Enter the following Values in the fields.

Drop Shadow

Blend Mode – Multiply
Color – # 6b6b6b
Opacity – 50%
Angle – 115
Use Global Light – Checked
Distance – 5
Spread – 0
Size – 5
Contour – Linear
Anti-aliased – Unchecked
Noise – 0

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Now click on Gradient Overlay and enter the following values in the fields.

Gradient Overlay

Blend Mode – Normal
Opacity – 100%
Gradient – Blue – Yellow – Blue Gradient
Reverse – Unchecked
Style – Linear
Align with Layer – Checked
Angle – 82
Scale – 150%

Now click on Stroke and enter the following Values in the fields.


Stroke Size – 2
Position – Outside
Blend Mode – Normal
Opacity – 100%
Fill Type – Gradient
Gradient – Blue – Yellow – Blue Gradient
Reverse – Unchecked
Style – Linear
Aligh with Layer – Checked
Angle – 95
Scale – 85%

Now click OK on the Blending Options.

And that is all there is to it. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact me using the contact button at the top of this page. I will be more than glad to help in any way.