Perfect Daddy-Daughter Dance Songs

Every little girls spends days daydreaming of what their wedding would be like. Every detail is considered, from what the dress would look like to what kind of cake she wants, even what song is perfect for the Daddy-daughter dance. When it comes down to the daddy daughter dance song, we want a song that signifies our relationship with our dads. The daddy-daughter dance is one of the most important parts of a girl’s wedding, aside from marrying the man of our dreams. There are a lot of songs out there that fit that perfect song. It’s just a matter of deciding which one is perfect for you and your dad.

“I’ll Always Be Your Baby” by Natalie Grant: When I heard this one, it made me cry. It is about how daddy’s love and faith makes us the woman we are. That from the time we are learning to walk to walking down the aisle, daddy is always there and we will always be daddy’s baby. Natalie’s voice is soft and caring while she sings the song. The melody is soft and perfect for a slow Daddy-daughter dance. After listening to the song, it is everything that encompasses a daddy.

“Cinderella” by Stephen Curtis Chapman: This is another beautiful song. I love how Steven goes from his daughter spinning as a little girl to spinning her at her wedding. One of the powerful lyrics is “Dad I need you.” Every girl needs her daddy no matter how old we may be, Daddy is always important to us. It’s a look from a daddy’s view of his daughter on milestones like prom and her wedding day: the day he has to let her go to the Prince. It’s a beautiful song.

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“Butterfly Kisses” by Bob Carlise: This is a popular song for the Daddy-daughter dance because it is so beautiful. Butterfly Kisses is another song that is from a dad’s point of view. Its another song like Cinderella that looks through his eyes from when his daughter is little to her wedding day. It is one of those songs that remind us of all the memories we made with daddy and all the reasons why we love him so.

“My Little Girl’ by Tim McGraw: This one if from the movie “Flicka,” and is a beautiful song. No matter how old we get we will always be Daddy’s little girl. No matter who comes into our lives we are always daddy’s little girl, at least I know I am. This song shows a daddy’s love and protection for his little girl. No matter where we go or who we become we will always come back home to Daddy. This song entails everything that describes a girl’s relationship with her daddy.

“And Then They Do” by Trace Atkins: This is another beautiful song from daddy’s point of view watching his kids grow up. This song isn’t only good for a Daddy-daughter dance, but it is also good for a mother and son dance. Its about how our parents want our dreams to come true and then they do. How kids grow up and a parent’s job is over, but in reality it is never over because we always need out parents.

“You Raise Me Up” by Josh Groban: I think this one is popular for a daddy daughter dance or even a mother son dance. It is a beautiful song about how someone lifts us out of trouble times. While growing up we turn to our daddy’s and moms to help lift us out of those times and I think that is part of the purpose of a daddy daughter dance, to tell daddy how much we love him and still need him even though we have gotten married.

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“Daddy’s Little Girl” by Michael Bolton: Michael Bolton’s voice rings out about being daddy’s little girl. This one is a simple small song about everything that makes a girl daddy’s little girl and how daddy sees us. Such as being a shining star, bright as the sun, and the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. It’s a sweet song and a great song for a daddy daughter dance. It’s a small song not that long so if you want something that is short and to the point this is a great song for that.

The Daddy-daughter dance is one of the important parts of a girl’s wedding. It shows Daddy how important he is and how much we love him. The song you dance to should be special and describe your relationship. For me I knew the perfect daddy daughter song when it made me cry even after hearing it five or six times, I’ll Always Be Your Baby. The song needs to be special for you, special for Daddy to help him know how important and amazing he is to you.