Percocet Side Effects

Percocet, also known as Oxycodone/Acetaminophen, is a narcotic drug that is used to treat moderate to severe pain and can have various side effects. Oxycodone is the narcotic part of this drug, whereas Acetaminophen is not. You need to follow the instructions on the prescription exactly as it is prescribed to you. There is a chance you can become addicted through the use of Percocet. Make sure you do not share this medication with anyone else.

Percocet Side Effects: Common Side Effects

Percocet can have a variety of side effect but can go away when using for a longer period of time. Some of the most common of these side effects are nausea, constipation, drowsiness, sweating, dry mouth, vomiting, headaches, lightheadedness, decrease in appetite, or general feeling of weakness. You should always contact your health care provider if any of these symptoms are bothering you, become worse, or just won’t go away.

Percocet Side Effects: Managing the Common Side Effects

It is possible for you to manage some of the common side effects of this drug. If you are dealing with constipation, try eating a healthy diet by consuming enough fiber, drinking plenty of water, and keeping up with your daily exercise routine. If you become dizzy or lightheaded from taking Percocet, then take it easy by not moving to fast from sitting to standing, or from lying down to standing up. Take it easy until you know how this medicine reacts well with your body.

Percocet Side Effects: Serious Side Effects

There are some serious side effects that can occur with the use of Percocet. The serious side effects that you may feel are abnormal breathing, an irregular heartbeat that is slow or fast, changes in your mood or behavior, changes in your vision, or even a problem urinating. See your health care provider or go to the emergency room right away if you are experiencing any of these serious side effects.

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Percocet Side Effects: Allergic Reaction

Any allergic reaction to medication should not be taken lightly. If you experience any of these allergic reactions, then seek help from your medical provider immediately. An allergic reaction to Percocet may include having a rash, itching, dizziness that is severe, problems with breathing that may be fast or slow, and swelling of the face, the tongue, or in the throat. Do not hesitate to seek help right away with these side effects.

Percocet Side Effects: Examples of an Overdose

If you find you are experiencing abnormal side effects then get help immediately. It is possible that you could be experiencing an overdose of Percocet. Some of these symptoms may include vomiting, abnormal breathing that is slow, an irregular heartbeat that is slow, cold or clammy hands or skin, abnormal sweating that is not normal for you, are unable to stay conscious, uncontrollable nausea, eyes or skin that turn yellow, dark colored skin, pains in your stomach, or feeling extremely fatigued or tired.

Do not hesitate to seek help for any abnormal side effects that you may experience from using Percocet. You can call the US National Poison Hotline number at 1-800-222-1222 for information, or seek help from your local emergency room.

For more information about the side effects of Percocet, review the website listed below.;=Percocet+Oral