Pampers Active Baby Diaper: Pampers Best Ever

Nowadays, we use baby diapers on our babies unlike in old times wherein baby cloth was use as the undergarment of most babies. As a parent, we ensure the safety of our baby in selecting what diaper is suitable and comfortable for her. And now, I think even baby diaper continued to evolve, to the bulky ones to the thinness pad.

When our first baby was born, July 2011, we use this unbranded baby diaper. It was given by the boss of my wife, wonder where it produced or manufactured. We thought that it came from China, because her boss bought it in Divisoria, and Divisoria is one of major importer of China-made items here in the Philippines. It is made of cotton-cloth pad, so it is quite bulky when you wear on our baby. Like any other brand of diaper, mostly low cost baby diaper, is made of that material. Back then when I was a teenager, I thought that all of brands of diaper are made of cloth to absorb baby’s pee.

After we consumed all of the remaining unbranded baby diaper, we decided to seek out on the market, other brands of baby diaper. We try this Pampers Baby Diaper, one the popular brand of baby diaper here in the Philippines. At first, we seek the Pampers Comfort Diaper because it is the common baby diaper available in retailing store. Fortunately, we see this Pampers Active Baby Diaper, costs much high as Pampers Comfort. We decided to bought it and use it in our baby, because we believe that higher price than other is higher quality it provide, we thought.

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We are surprised, when we saw this Pampers Active Baby Diaper; it is thin compared to other brand and the one that we used before. It fits softly on our baby; it is like our baby wearing only her panty. We thought that it could be look like some diaper that is made of cloth or cotton as the absorber of baby’s pee. It is made of soft cotton-like material; outer cover is not plastic like other brand. Its core or the absorber of baby’s pee, I thought, is made of granule-like material, that turns into gel when its contact by liquid. And also its wetness trap, wherein the baby skin is not wet, is one of the best things of this diaper. Up to 12 hours of wetness protection on babies, we experienced it and it is effective. My baby is now turning a year old, our baby is safe from diaper rush. We stick to it using this best diaper.

Costly much higher than any baby diaper brand, forcing other common parents to bought cheaper baby diaper than Pampers. But buying Pampers Active Baby Diaper is worthy. Buying at bulk pieces saves you more, like 60 pieces or 80 pieces pack. Based on our experienced, Pampers Active Baby Diaper is one of the best ever diaper brand.