Pain Relief for a Slipped Disk

If you suffer from back pain and can’t seem to get rid of it, chances are you have a slipped disk. Otherwise known as a herniated disk, this is a very common injury to the disks that surround the spinal cord and it can be very painful. Luckily, there are many pain relief options when it comes to a slipped disk and with proper treatment and care you can be on your way to a pain free back in no time. Most times, a slipped disk will heal on it’s own or with treatment within a few short weeks at most.

Pain Relief for a Slipped Disk: Change in Motion: The first and foremost thing that you can do to help relieve the pain associated with a herniated disk is to change the motion that you use when moving around and performing everyday tasks. Chances are, your slipped disk is actually the result of improper movement or picking something up the wrong way. Once you have developed the injury it is vitally important to change the motion that you use to bend and especially to pick things up. Bend at the waist and do not twist and turn during the motion. This will help to bring some pain relief when you are suffering from a slipped disk and it will also help to prevent future herniated disks from plaguing you in the future.

Pain Relief for a Slipped Disk: Hot Compress: A herniated disk requires hot compresses to help bring pain relief to the injury. The slipped disk is an inflammation of the tissue surrounding the spinal cord and the nerves that surround the disk tend to become inflamed and irritated. The hot compress will help to alleviate the pain by reducing the inflammation that is associated with the herniated disk. Apply a hot compress directly to the area that causes you the most pain. A heating pad works wonders for this pain relief method.

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Pain Relief for a Slipped Disk: Massage: Therapeutic massage can be a miracle worker for a herniated disk. Sometimes, massage will bring instant pain relief for a slipped disk injury. Have your partner or a friend massage the area when you feel pain and the surrounding area. Using massage oil can also help to draw out some of the pain that is associated with the slipped disk. Tense, deep tissue massage will greatly reduce the inflammation that causes the pain to radiate throughout the back and the legs from the injury.

Pain Relief for a Slipped Disk: Chiropractic Manipulation: If hot compresses, massage, and proper motion do not bring pain relief then you will be forced to resort to medical treatment. Often times, a slipped disk may be relocated with chiropractic manipulation. The herniated disk can sometimes be placed back into its rightful zone within the spinal area with the help of a chiropractor and his ability to manipulate the bones within the body. Although chiropractic manipulation can be costly, it is sometimes the only treatment for a slipped disk and pain relief can seem impossible without such help.

Pain Relief for a Slipped Disk: Steroid Injections: Finally, if the previous treatment methods do not bring pain relief for a slipped disk, your doctor may suggest a series of steroid injections that will bring the ultimate pain relief. The steroids will be injected directly to the area of the spine in which the pain radiates from or where the herniated disk actually is. This may be anywhere along the spine as the disks run all the way up the spine itself and the herniated disk could lie anywhere along that line. Steroid injections should be used as a last resort for pain relief and only after a few weeks have been given for the slipped disk to heal on its own. Your doctor can give you more information regarding the slipped disk and steroid injections if this treatment is required for your pain relief.