Pain Relief After a Cesarean Section

After you have had a cesarean section the doctors in the hospital will provide you with adequate pain relief, but what happens once you go home? The doctor will provide medication that will alleviate pain at home, but the medication will usually run out long before the pain stops and you must know how to alleviate the pain that is felt after a cesarean section without the use of prescriptions. There are many ways that you can help to alleviate the pain and discomfort that you feel after your pain medication is gone.

The first step in alleviating the pain that you have after a cesarean section is taking it easy. Sometimes, this can also be the most difficult step to take. With a new baby and normal household routines and everything else that goes on in life (the world doesn’t stop just because you had surgery) it can be difficult to take time out to heal…but you must! Healing time after a cesarean section takes weeks not just a few days. Granted you are up and about within hours, but you really must take adequate time to heal after the surgery and healing means resting. Do not overdo things as this will just cause the pain to be stronger and to last longer.

The next step in alleviating the pain that comes after a cesarean section is to take an anti-inflammatory medication that you can purchase over the counter. The common name that most of us know is Motrin, but any ibuprofen based anti-inflammatory will do such as Aleve or a generic brand. The anti-inflammatory will help to reduce the swelling that causes much of the pain. Keep in mind that you will have some swelling that lasts quite a while so it is good to take the anti-inflammatory for about one week after the surgery and take the medication regularly as prescribed (such as every 6 hours). This will help alleviate some of your pain and it will prevent more swelling when you are up and about.

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Another great method of pain relief after a cesarean section is heat. A warm heating pad placed under you will help to alleviate the common pain that is felt in the back after a cesarean section. This pain is a result of the epidural medication that is given to you during the surgery. The heating pad will alleviate back pain and it can sometimes help to alleviate some of the additional aches that come with the poor posture that you usually acquire after surgery. Since your abdominal muscles are cut it can be difficult to maintain proper posture after the surgery and this will cause aches and pains as well.

Finally, in alleviating pain after a cesarean section a nice hot shower will usually do wonders. Not only is it invigorating but the heat (just like the heating pad) will really help easy the aches and pains that are felt after surgery. Try taking a nice hot shower and then laying down in bed for a while if you are really in pain. Usually if you take it easy and do not move around very much the pain will dissipate on its own in due time. If your pain is too much to manage then you should contact you doctor for additional pain relief methods or medications.

Cesarean section pain can be very hard to deal with when all you really want to do is spend special one on one time with your new baby. Take the steps to cesarean section pain relief and keep in mind that it will only last a little while. Before you know it you will be back to normal and feeling better than ever.