Oxy Face Scrub Acne Treatment Vs. St. Ives Apricot Scrub for Oily or Acne Prone Skin

If you want dead skin cells rubbed off of your face, or are looking for a product that helps clear mild cases of acne a facial scrub might be your solution. The Oxy company has come out with a new facial scrub with 2 percent salicylic acid for acne treatment that might be your remedy. So how does this compare with another facial scrub on the market by St. Ives? I tried them to see what, if anything, distinguished the two products.

St. Ives Apricot Scrub for Oily or Acne Prone Skin

St. Ives has a number of Apricot Scrub products that come in a tub for various skin types. The one I tried is in a white tube with a blue cap and is specifically for Oily or Acne Prone Skin. Like other acne treatments (including Oxy Face scrub) it contains Salicylic acid. The product dispenses as a thick sand-like cream. Inside the cream are very noticeable granules which are made from a type of corn meal. These granules are for scrubbing off dead skin on your face and lessening the appearance of blemishes and blackheads (along with the salicylic acid).

St. Ives Apricot Scrub for Oily or Acne Prone Skin Pros:

True to its word it does in fact take off dead skin cells. The smell isn’t terrible and it doesn’t leave the skin oily. I found that it works better as a body scrub (at elbows or feet, where skin can be rough) than as a facial scrub.

St. Ives Apricot Scrub for Oily or Acne Prone Skin Cons:

I have fairly sensitive skin and found that this formula is too harsh. It actually feels like you are rubbing sand on your face. After a few days of using it just in the mornings, I found that my skin became irritated and began to peel horribly. I had to discontinue use of any acne products for a few months before my skin went back to normal. I also found that after rubbing the scrub on your face it was difficult to wash it all off without getting a few stuck at around your hairline or near your eyes.

See also  Ten Top Facial Scrubs and Exfoliators

Oxy Face Scrub Acne treatment

Oxy Face Scrub Acne Treatment comes in a similar tube to St. Ives Apricot Scrub, with an ounce less of product. The consistency of the Oxy Face Scrub product is more face friendly. Instead of the St. Ives sand-like texture you’ll find Oxy to have ‘beads’ within the scrub that rub off dead skin cells. You dispense a small amount into your palm after wetting your face and scrub away. Oxy Face Scrub, unlike St. Ives Apricot Scrub, foams a little when you use it. The salicylic acid in this new Oxy formula is meant to treat existing acne (drying it up) and prevent breakouts.

Oxy Face Scrub Acne treatment Pros:

I used this for a little over a week and found nothing in it that irritated my skin. It seemed to get rid of the few blemishes that often occur on my forehead and cleared up my overall face. I was using another product with an astringent alongside it, but found that it wasn’t necessary. It is easier on sensitive skin than St. Ives was, and still did the job without rough granules that scratch. I also found that it was easier to wash off completely.

Oxy Face Scrub Acne treatment Cons:

The only cons I could find with Oxy Face Scrub were the price and the smell. The smell goes away after a few minutes, but it smells like an acne treatment (which is to be expected) with a medicated scent. As far as the price is concerned, I found $6.00 to be a little bit expensive for only 5 ounces of product (St. Ives is $4.00 for 6 ounces). However, if this is the only facial wash/scrub you use to wash your face, than it is worth the price.

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I would have to recommend Oxy Face Scrub as the superior face scrub for sensitive skin. St. Ives didn’t work for me, but if you have less sensitive skin than it could likely work very well.