Overcoming Abdominal Adhesions

Currently, treatment for abdominal adhesions is most often painkillers or surgery. However, manual treatment in the form of massage and bodywork can be extremely effective at relieving the pain that results from abdominal and pelvic adhesions and can even reduce the adhesions themselves.

Because the body is a tightly woven web of tissue, muscle, bone, and organs, disfunction in one area can produce dramatic effects in other places. So, when an abdominal adhesion forms, it can create significant pain patterns around itself and even in other parts of the body. Often, when those surrounding pain patterns are resolved, there is significant relief even if the adhesion itself remains.

Depending on the amount of time the adhesion has been present, the amount of treatment required will vary. Some people find relief with just a few massage sessions, and some people require ongoing treatment to remain pain-free without the use of drugs or further surgery.

Whatever your situation, it is always a good idea to consult with a trained and specialized massage therapist or physical therapist to determine if you could benefit from bodywork treatment. Whether you are considering surgery or pain medication for the first time or if you have already been through multiple surgeries, it is not too late to start seeking other options for your long-term care.

In my experience as a massage therapist, I have seen my clients progress to the point of no longer needing pain medication and avoiding the need for further surgery. I also work with many people in the very beginning stages of certain types of abdominal adhesion, right after an injury, to keep the problem from progressing beyond the initial stages.

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While it can be an added expense to see a trained therapist for this type of work, the benefits of seeking treatment that does not have any adverse side-effects far outweigh the expense in the long run. There are several options for this type of care:

1. A massage therapist with training and experience in releasing abdominal adhesion
2. A therapist trained in Maya Abdominal Massage
3. A physical therapist trained in Clear Passage therapy

Whichever type of provider you choose, make sure you interview the practitioner and ensure that they are a good fit for you and your specific situation or condition. Never hesitate to inquire about their credentials, success with past clients, or ask for references. Because of confidentiality considerations, they may not be able to offer a client as a reference, but most qualified practitioners are able and happy to provide you with peer references. As with all of your health care, make sure you choose a provider with whom you are comfortable sharing all of your health history and who you feel would be a good personality fit for you.
