Organs on Left Side of Body

The location of human organs is very important and relevant to their functioning. The organs are collectively joined into one being called the human body. Each organ serves a particular purpose. The organs are also strategically set in that they have precise positioning within the body. The body has two broad divisions including the right and the left side of the body.

From the scientific point of view, many parts of the body exist on the left side. Some cannot technically take the name of organs. However, they still thrive on the left side of the human body. Here is a description of the left side’s body organs.

The brain is one big organ in the human body known mostly to be on the left side of the body. It is strategically divided into two hemispheres, one of which is on the left part of the body. Everyone has a left side of the brain lying on the left body part. Normally, that left-brain hemisphere is in category the rational side.

The major roles of the side are verbal instructions responses, logical problem solutions, sequentially bringing together the different body parts, differentiating things, structuring as well as planning.

The other basic part on the left side of the human is the left eye. A normal human being has a pair of eyes. One of the eyes lies on the left side. It has no separate function but aids in vision. Seeing is the sole role of the organ. It sends close to 4/5th signals of the information remitted to the human brain. Therefore, it is not much different from the one on the right hand side, only that the positioning is on the left side of the body.

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The lung is also among the most important human organs. This is the organ responsible for human respiration. The body has two lungs. They are set on both sides of the body, to both the left and the right. One of the lungs sits on the left side. The difference with this lung is that it is smaller. It is responsible in accommodating the heart. The lung is on the left chest cavity. The left has two major divisions including two lobes. This is what differentiates it from the right lung.

Finally, the heart is located on the left side. It is a very important organ to the human body. This is like the central engine of all operations happening within the human body. This muscular pump pumps blood to and from the other body organs. Its positioning is clearly between the lungs. This is relatively at the middle of the human chest inclined to the left than to the right. With the heart functioning, the rest of the organs are also great in functioning but a laxity to the heart might collapse the operation of the entire body.
